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“A sucka move” – Kendrick Perkins doesn’t hold back in Draymond Green criticism after punch in practice

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Kendrick Perkins gives his opinion on the Draymond Green punch and it’s impact on the Golden State Warriors

Kendrick Perkins gave his opinion on the Draymond Green punch in a recently posted tweet. Perkins called the punch a “sucka” move. He also said Green needs to think about what he’s done to Jordan Poole and the Golden State Warriors. The punch occurred in what was a clashing of egos between Jordan Poole and Draymond Green.

There had been rumors of the altercation in the last few weeks before the video surfaced just days ago. The video shows a verbal exchange that results in Green sucker-punching Poole very hard.

In the tweet, Perkins calls out Draymond’s actions and says that Green needs to check himself before holding others accountable. He further said that this punch may damage Draymond’s legacy with the Warriors.

Many believe that this incident occurred because Green is unhappy with his contract situation. Besides that, it looks like Poole is going to get a max deal and that may have caused some hurt feelings.

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Draymond Green

After this incident, it looks less likely that the Warriors will give Green the contract he wants. Besides that, it may be difficult to rebuild chemistry with the team after this punch. After this season finishes, Green can either take his player option or test Free Agency.

It looks extremely likely that the Warriors let Green go in Free Agency or they will give him a low offer. This might mean the end of a dynasty for the Golden State Warriors and Draymond Green.

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