
Basketball Wives’ Gloria Govan was ordered to pay back the debt she owed to her divorce lawyer

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Basketball Wives alum Gloria Govan has been ordered to pay $200k to her divorce attorneys, following the high-profile case of her separation from her husband- Matt Barnes.

The couple had two years of peaceful marriage that started to wither off sooner than thought. The college sweethearts who also co-parent two sons filed for their divorce in 2015.

The divorce was settled shortly in 2016 and Gloria hasn’t paid the attorney, the reasons remaining unquoted following which the judge had to order the ex-wife of Matt Barns to hand over the entire sum at the earliest. The case from Gloria’s side was handled by the firm Brot, Gross & Fishbein.

Gloria Govan was dragged to court by the exact law firm that aided her separate from her husband, given the unpaid receipts worth $197,774.62. The legal fees excluded, the judge has ordered Gloria to settle all the invoices that shall include the legal fees additionally on the noted amount.

Basketball Wives’ Gloria Govan
: Divorce details and the turmoil that surrounded the unsettled invoices

The divorce was a dramatic one with charges of assault being included later on in the name of Matt Barnes. He allegedly assaulted Gloria’s then-dating partner Derek Fisher. Fisher, the head coach of the Knicks at the time made it to the headlines for breaking the bro code.

Basketball Wives’ Gloria Govan

However, the two have mended their terms now. “So, now he and I are cool, on the same page, we communicate and see each other when we’re at events. They’ve been to my house for the twins’ birthday. I’ve been to their place,” Barnes explained the friendship had stayed with them.

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As for the details of the divorce, the show Bollywood Wives starred a major part in the difficult relationship between Gloria and Matt.

They had previously called off the wedding in 2011 and then got married in 2013 detailing that they were ready for the commitment at the time. Twists and turns apart, Govan and Fisher married each other in 2016, but the receipts are still unpaid.

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