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“If things don’t go great, who is to say that doesn’t come out again?” – Brian Windhorst doesn’t think Kevin Durant’s trade drama is over yet

Brian Windhorst doesn’t think that Kevin Durant’s trade drama is over just yet, as he asked the question: “If things don’t go great, who is to say that doesn’t come out again?”

“If things don’t go great, who is to say that doesn’t come out again?” – Brian Windhorst doesn’t think Kevin Durant’s trade drama is over yet 3

Kevin Durant has found himself amongst the headlines once again. The Brooklyn Nets superstar just can’t seem to catch a break from being in the news as his name has been dragged back into conversation ahead of the upcoming season.

And this time it is about the consequences of the trade request he handed in earlier this summer, and whether he will go back to his old stance.

Kevin Durant shocked the NBA community earlier this summer when he handed in a trade request at the Nets and demanded either a trade or the General Manager to resign.

However, in due time, it was revealed that he had worked out his differences with the Nets and will stay at the Brooklyn franchise for the rest of his deal – however, we never know with KD. That was the argument put forward in a recent episode of NBA Today on ESPN.

When the host asked NBA analyst Brian Windhorst about what does he feel has a higher chance of happening – the Warriors going back to back and defending the Championship they won last season or KD ending up as the Finals MVP. It would be fair to say that Windhorst didn’t really back the odds of the latter happening.

What did Windhorst have to say about Durant?

Windhorst said that he backs the Warriors to go back to back and also stated that he is not sure whether the Nets will even be “together.”

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“If things don’t go great, who is to say that doesn’t come out again?” – Brian Windhorst doesn’t think Kevin Durant’s trade drama is over yet 4

The NBA analyst said: “I can see the Warriors winning it again, and frankly, I’m not sure if the Nets will even be together. I’m not sure if Kevin Durant will keep his trade request in the closet. Because he’d asked for a trade, now he’s pulled it back – but if things don’t go great, who’s to say that doesn’t come out again?

It certainly shapes up to be a very enticing season when the new NBA season begins in October.

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Tags: Kevin Durant