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Enes Freedom shares horrifying death threat messages as bounty is placed on his head

Enes Freedom shared a series of horrifying death threat messages on his social media after a bounty was placed on his head by the Turkish government.

Enes Freedom, earlier known as Enes Kanter before his conversion to American citizenship has spoken up on his Twitter account after he received a number of death threat messages on his social media. The former NBA professional who was raised in Turkey and who last represented the Boston Celtics has been very recently declared an enemy of the Turkish government.

Enes Freedom in his Boston Celtics days

The Turkish government run by Recep Erdogan has been widely criticized by Kanter for over a decade, and his recent conversion to an American nationality was the trigger for the Turkish government to announce a bounty on Kanter’s head. The former NBA professional who last played for the Celtics in 2022 has since spoken out on the troubles that he has faced.

The Turkish government announced a 500,000-dollar reward for Freedom’s capture. Since then, there has been a succession of death threats against Freedom, as the player himself has made public on his social media. While most of them are horrifying, the most worrying of them all is from an individual who claims that he has hired a serial killer to kill the former NBA star.

Freedom took to his Twitter account to open up about the harassment that he has faced online regarding his activism against the infamous Turkish politician.

What did Enes Freedom have to say about the messages he received?

The former NBA star took to his Twitter account to write about the harassment that he has received online courtesy of his activism against Erdogan.

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Freedom took to his Twitter to post a series of screenshots showing the online abuse that he has received for his activism against the Turkish politician, and accompanied it with a heartfelt caption that sums up his misery.

Freedom wrote: “We are all blessed to live in a country like the U.S. where we can criticize our government without getting death threats or people trying to cut our heads off.” Freedom concluded: “Join me in calling out Dictator @rterdogan and his ISIS-like goons, and beat this terrorist mentality TOGETHER.”

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