Home » Sports News » Skip Bayless impressed with one facet of LeBron James and compares NBA legend to Tom Brady

Skip Bayless was left impressed with one facet of LeBron James, and compared the NBA legend to his legendary NFL counterpart in Tom Brady.

Skip Bayless is widely reputed as one of the greatest critics of LeBron James. The reputed NBA analyst never misses a chance to pile criticism on the NBA legend whenever he can, and has often been accused of being biased against the Los Angeles Lakers superstar. However, as it turns out, even the extremely cynical Bayless was left impressed with one facet of James’ game.

Image Credit: Sports Illustrated

LeBron James went up against the Phoenix Suns earlier today with his Los Angeles Lakers team. While the Lakers did go down fighting against the Suns in a 115-119 loss, LeBron looked in incredible shape even at the age of 37 – and in the 17 minutes of the game that he spent on the court, Bron racked up 23 points with a commendable tally of four assists and four rebounds each.

More than his numbers on the court, it was Bron’s energy that caught the eye of both his fans and his critics – even at the age of 37 and about to start his 20th straight year in the NBA, Bron looked like a hungry rookie who was only playing in his first season with an urge to prove his mettle. The energetic shift of Bron did not escape Bayless, who took to his Twitter to write on it.

What did Skip Bayless have to say about LeBron James’ performance?

Bayless took to his official Twitter account to commend LeBron’s energy and compared him to NFL legend Tom Brady.

An impressed Bayless wrote: “LeBron looks to be in supreme shape and appears to be playing with rookie joy. Hey, maybe he CAN play as long as Brady.” The comment is a nod to NFL legend Tom Brady, who goes on to play for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers even at the age of 45.

Both Brady and Bron have reached the pinnacle of their sports and do not need to prove themselves any further, but it is their hunger that keeps them going – and it won’t be a surprise to see Bron play in the NBA into his forties.

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