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Trade LeBron was trending on social media after LeBron James’ Lakers start season 0-5

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The Los Angeles Lakers have lost 5 games in a row to start the season and fans are upset

LeBron James is trending on social media and not for the right reasons. With their latest Minnesota Timberwolves game, the Los Angeles Lakers have started the season with 5 consecutive losses. Lakers fans are unhappy with the bad start to the NBA season and it’s showing on social media.

Trade LeBron has been trending on Twitter after the Lakers lost to the Timberwolves in a close 111-102 game. This shows just how disgruntled the Lakers fans are and how eager they are for some sort of change. Not that surprising that Trade LeBron is trending on social media with trade rumors circling the Lakers organization.

Besides this, there are certain NBA analysts and fans that believe a total rebuild would be good for the Lakers. LeBron James is not getting any younger and Anthony Davis is a genuine superstar who cannot stay healthy. Davis recently seemed to injure himself while making an uncontested dunk.

A complete rebuild would involve trading both Davis and LeBron for the best packages. But it’s interesting to wonder what teams will trade for 38-year-old LeBron James and injury-prone Anthony Davis.

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This makes a LeBron James trade extremely unlikely this season. The biggest Lakers player to be traded this season will be Russell Westbrook. Most fans don’t consider Westbrook a good player anymore and want him gone.

Trade LeBron will stop trending on social media after the Lakers make a positive move. Whether it’s trading Russell Westbrook or signing a good Free Agent, the fans just want some positive change.

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