Home » Sports News » When LeBron James could not hold his laughter as Kevin Durant picked Rudy Gobert over James Harden

LeBron James couldn’t contain his laugh when Kevin Durant picked Rudy Gobert over James Harden in the All-Star team selection.

In last year’s All-Star Draft, LeBron James, and Kevin Durant were the captains of their respective teams. This draft was held after James Harden had forced his way out of Brooklyn to the Philadelphia 76ers.

As a result, KD hesitated in picking him up for his team. Harden was the last player left in the draft and ended up on LeBron James’ team.

During the selection of the final few players, everyone, except KD, couldn’t contain their laughter. The way Durant skipped Harden was mesmerizing. He picked Rudy Gobert over Harden, and LeBron James was unable to hold his laughter.

LeBron used the clipboard to hide his laugh, and NBA Hall of Famer Charles Barkley played a huge part in creating that moment. He forced LeBron to pick someone else than Harden to make things interesting, and that’s what the 4-time NBA Champion did. It was a great moment and will be remembered for years to come.

James Harden’s move to the Philadelphia 76ers was heavily criticized when it happened. However, after seeing what is transpiring in Brooklyn right now, it looks like he made the best decision, and has a real chance of winning the championship. The Brooklyn Nets are about to blow up as both Kevin Durant, and Kyrie Irving is about to be traded from the team.

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