NBA Won’t Randomly Drug Test Players For Marijuana For Another Season And Here’s Why

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Marijuana is one of the world’s most widely used drugs. Across the United States, it is has been legalised for both recreational and medicinal use. Athletes have long been calling for the NBA to stop treating marijuana as if it were a performance enhancing drug. Now, the NBA has answered their calls, publicly stating that they will no longer test players for marijuana, instead shifting their focus to testing players for performance enhancing drugs.

This article is going to explain why this is:

NBA Marijuana Use

Marijuana usage is commonplace throughout the United States. The drug has myriad health benefits and can be used to treat conditions like epilepsy and chronic depression. Prior to the NBA’s recent announcement, any THC by-product detected in one’s blood would have resulted in disqualification from one’s team. This includes products like the popular and broad-spectrum CBD. Now, these products, as well as marijuana, can be consumed by players, provided that it does not interfere with the quality of their performance.

Changing Views

While the NBA is not advocating for marijuana use, they are no longer punishing players who choose to consume it. Chief Communications Officer Mike Bass confirmed that this policy of non-testing will be in place for at least the entirety of this upcoming season.

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Bass explained in an interview with the Associated Press that random testing for marijuana would be suspended, and the NBA’s focus would shift to performance-enhancing products and “drugs of abuse.” The NBA’s Commissioner, Adam Silva, added in a separate interview that society’s views had changed around marijuana, indicating that he did not consider its use to be particularly harmful to his player’s health. The only time that the NBA will consider testing players or discussing marijuana use is if they show signs of addiction and aren’t performing well.  

Temporary Suspension Turned Permanent

The NBA first announced a suspension of marijuana testing last year, as the world struggled with the COVID-19 pandemic. After discussion between the players’ union and league officials, the suspension has been extended, with many believing that it will become a permanent fixture. Michele Roberts, the NBA Players’ Association head claimed that the policy would become permanent as early as next season. Multiple other famous NBA players have spoken out in favour of the changes, many claiming that Cannabis has no negative effects on players’ performance, as long as they consume it in moderation.


The World Anti-Doping Agency will be conducting a scientific review of marijuana in the coming months in order to determine whether Cannabis should be banned in international sports. This review will establish whether or not Cannabis has negative effects on player performance. If this review is returned with scientists claiming that it does have a negative impact on player performance, then there is always the potential that the NBA’s temporary suspension could be rescinded, and marijuana use would be outlawed again. For the time being, however, players are free to use marijuana, as long as they do not show signs of problematic dependency.

Cannabis is a promising treatment for a number of health conditions. It is slowly becoming more acceptable to use publicly, with peoples’ opinions of the drug changing. This is reflected by the NBA’s latest announcement. Many others sports bodies are also considering removing Cannabis from their prohibited drugs list.

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