Home » Sports News » Bodybuilder Josh Crane Sacrifices His Life Heroically Rescuing Two People

Famous Bodybuilder sacrificed his life while rescuing two people as his Josh Crane GoFundMe raises $24000

Famous Bodybuilder Josh Crane recently died in an attempt to save people from drowning. This incident took place last week on July 29 at the San Juan rapids in the American River.

Josh Crane was a famous bodybuilder and Navy veteran (Generation Icon)

Metro Fire of Sacramento reported that Crane spotted two people struggling in the water as he rushed to help them. However unfortunately lost his life in that process and his body recovered the next day 

According to his family, Josh organized a get-together at a river with his friends when some of them got stuck near the rapids. This is what her sister Jessica revealed,

“There were two females that were stuck on tubes and my brother was on a paddleboard and they were asking for help. So he jumped off his paddleboard like he would (to) help anybody, and no hesitation, no questions asked, jumped off his paddleboard and jumped in the water and got them out.”


Jessica said that her brother was a humble guy and his close ones knew that he had the biggest heart ever imaginable.

GoFundMe Page was launched for Josh Crane to support his family 

Following the death of Josh Crane, a GoFoundMe page was launched intending to collect $50,000. The funds are being collected to offer support to Crane’s family.

Crane created a culture of love and inclusion in every aspect of their community during his time at the UC Davis School of Medicine.

“The presence of his uncompromising and unyielding friendship leaves an immense, everlasting spirit in his wake. As a peer role model, he has inspired cohorts of future physicians to live and practice with compassion to all who are in need.

Josh Crane
Josh Crane was a gold medalist in bodybuilding (Instagram)

The page has collected an amount of $25,335 so far and more donations are made. Josh Crane’s survivors include his sister, two nephews, mother, grandmother, and partner. 

John was enrolled at Chico State University and earned a degree in biology. He then joined the UC Davis Institution as his goal was to pursue internal medicine and help people.

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