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Chad Hower, the TikTok Fugitive, claims to have been falsely targeted by the FBI and INTERPOL. Despite evidence proving his innocence, Chad shares his struggle and the obstacles he faces.

Chad Hower, popularly known as the TikTok Fugitive, has become an internet sensation as he shares his story of being wrongly targeted by the FBI and INTERPOL. Despite overwhelming evidence proving his innocence, Chad claims that he has been falsely accused and placed on the most wanted list for years.

The TikTok Fugitive, whose real name is Chad Hower, has gained viral attention on TikTok for recounting his ordeal of being wanted by both the FBI and INTERPOL for allegedly kidnapping his own son back in 2009. However, several court documents have since disputed these allegations, casting doubt on their validity.

Chad has been on a quest for freedom for the past 13 years, following accusations made by his ex-wife, who claimed that he had kidnapped their 13-year-old son, Alex. However, Chad asserts that he was actually in Europe at the time of the alleged crime and, moreover, had full legal custody of Alex during that period.

Despite the FBI’s investigation revealing no evidence to support the kidnapping claims and confirming Chad’s innocence, he found himself spending several years in a Bulgarian prison. Now, he is confined to his Caribbean home, unable to travel freely.

Why does the FBI still have an interest in apprehending the TikTok Fugitive?

In a podcast interview, Chad shared his two theories regarding the FBI and INTERPOL’s persistent pursuit of him. The first theory suggests that it is all a massive misunderstanding and a mistake on the part of the FBI, although Chad himself harbors doubts about this explanation. His second theory revolves around his in-laws, who formerly held positions as senior engineers with access to sensitive Russian military secrets.

Chad, who has spent years imprisoned in a Bulgarian prison, now confronts another difficult battle in a devastating turn of circumstances. He needs immediate medical attention since he has kidney failure. He is unable to get the essential medical care, though, because he is a wanted man and lives in isolation on a tiny island.

Chad Hower’s story has captivated the online community, raising questions about justice, false accusations, and the potential ramifications of an innocent person being wrongly pursued by law enforcement agencies. As Chad continues to share his journey through TikTok, he hopes to garner support and assistance in his quest for medical help and justice.

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