When Colin Kaepernick famously took the knee as he could not stand still for the national anthem, citing that he cannot honor a country who does not value its ‘black’ people equally. This led to the then President Donald Trump making sure that the NFL star is penalized for his opinion on such a global stage.

At that time Donald Trump had the vast majority behind him, and all of his actions resulted in people backing him up. To think about it, how contradictory has his tenure as the President of United States been. Without menacing his words, Trump quoted, “Get that son of a b*tch out of the field. He’s fired!”
Here comes the twist in the tale, Donald Trump who personally took matters in his own hand to establish the American flag and culture, himself violated the spirit of the most honoured place of work.
Bill Maher called out Former POTUS Donald Trump
Billionaire Donald Trump, who is extremely vocal about the fortune he has made for his future generations, went on to orchestrate a coup after he did not get his way in the previously concluded elections. ‘The Donald’ violated the sanctity of American democracy by terrorizing a place that is meant to work for citizens of the country.

On the same note Bill Maher went broke all boundaries and called out Donald Trump as the biggest ‘hypocrite’ – he quoted, “Republicans, what do you like about America? It’s not democracy. You stand with the President who tried to pull off a coup and a dozen Republican Nominees for senate and governor in this year’s mid-term said they will absolutely not commit to accepting the results.
“Elections only count when we win them. Is that what United States of America is to you now? That shows more disrespect for the flag than any football player ever could.”