
Top 5 Amazing 2 Player Card Games

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There can never be too many ways to have fun. If you’re looking for a new one, try card games. One of their advantages is the fact that they can improve your nights in as well as your nights out.

So, the next time you’re planning a date with your significant other or a fun night with your best friend, consider including a deck of cards into it. In this article, we are going to take a look at the most interesting card games two people can play. 


There is a reason this game is considered a timeless classic among casino players. It’s extremely simple and exciting at the same time. It fits well for both big groups of people or just two. Each player receives one card face up and one face down.

Everyone then takes a look at the face-down card to count the value of both cards. The goal of the game is to have the cards you get to add up to 21 or at least come as close as possible to the goal. Depending on how close you are to the goal, you can either hit or stay.

Numerical cards have the same value as their number and the face ones are worth 10 points. Except for aces, of course. Aces can be worth either 11 or 1 point. You can place bets for each round, or determine the winner by the number of wins they get throughout the night. 


Before moving on to any other games, we cannot resist urging you to give the most legendary card game a try. This is a game that cannot be played without any bets, so take some chips, real money, or use candy instead. Alternatively, you can play against each other in . After everyone contributes some “chips” to start the game, they are dealt five cards. A player takes a look at their cards to determine what their next move will be.

If you get good cards, you can increase your bet, if you don’t like what you’re dealt you can choose to fold, and lose your initial bet altogether. Once all players decide what to do, everyone can throw away one card and draw a new one. After the bets are made, each player reveals their cards.

The one with the best hand is the winner. It’s hard to overestimate the thrill this game will bring to your evening. 

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Double Solitaire

If you’re a fan of this classic, you’ll be happy to know you can play it with a friend. You will, of course, need two separate decks. The goal is to build eight piles that start with aces and finish them with the kings. Both players then lay out seven piles of cards face down.

The first pile has one card, the second one has two, and so on. The game starts when the players turn over the top cards in all piles. The remaining ones can be revealed throughout the game in sets of three. The first person to run out of cards in stockpiles is the winner. The game is perfect for a chill night in. 

Slap Jack

Slap Jack is a rather competitive game that requires focus and a high speed of reaction. It’s thanks to these factors that children are even recommended to play card games. The whole deck is divided between two players and laid face down.

You draw a card from your deck and lay it face up. Whenever someone draws a jack, the first one to slap the jack collects all cards that have been laid out. The game ends when one of the players gets all the cards. 

Crazy Eights

This is one of those nerve-wracking games that require you to get rid of all the cards in your hand. Each player is dealt five cards, and the rest is put in the stockpile. One card is put face up, and the next player has to top it with a card that matches either its suit or denomination.

If you have no cards that fit the requirement, you draw one from the stockpile. Why is it called Crazy Eights? Because an eight can be played at any time no matter the required suit. It can be topped with another eight or the suit that is demanded by the player who played it. 

Don’t wait up and try one of these the next time you find yourself at a loss of evening plans. You’ll be surprised how much fun you will have, especially if you make fun bets with your friend or date.

And if they’re not up for it, that’s no reason to be disappointed because you can always play in an online casino any time you feel like it. Have fun and play responsibly!

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