
Pokemon Go Ice Pokemon- The best of the best

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Ice type Pokemon are wondefully weird with their high-risk high reward stats. Here are the top Pokemon Go Ice Pokemon

How much does polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice. There are 24 types in the world of Pokemon but very few types can boast their raw power, skill and adorable factor. These pokemon are here to kick some ice and a few of the pokemon on this list became fan favorites of the franchise.

The Ice-type Pokemon are distinguished by their captivating beauty and powerfully chilling abilities. Some of these frosty creatures in Pokémon GO stand out from the others because of their higher stats and shown fighting ability. Based on their performance, rarity, and in-game statistics, let’s examine the top ice type Pokémon.

In competitive multiplayer combat, ice-types are usually regarded as one of the least useful types. In matches, their weaknesses against Fire, Rock, Fighting, and Steel are the four most prevalent varieties. The fact that Ice-types can only block other Ice-type moves is also inconvenient. To make up for their shortcomings, their effectiveness against Flying, Grass, Ground, and Dragon is a pleasant bonus. Additionally, ice-types frequently have excellent secondary traits and comparatively strong attack ratings. They have a certain cool factor linked to them. (Okay, sorry for the terrible puns)

Here are the top 10 Pokemon Go Ice Pokemon:

Pokemon Go Ice Pokemon List-

Mamoswine (Ice/Ground)

A great Ground/Ice type fighter (Image taken from Niantic)

Max HP: 200 , Max CP : 3808

Attacks: Powder Snow, Avalanche

It looks as devastating as it sounds, this ground/ice type pokemon is a perfect pick for those ice pokemon fanatics. It has great health and a variety of attacks in its arsenal. Easily compared to other heavy hitters on this list.

Lapras (Water/Ice)

The OG Ice type pokemon (Image taken from Niantic)

Max HP: 234, Max CP: 3451

Attacks: Frost Breath, Ice Beam

Remember Lapras anyone? This was one of the 1st pokemon in the Orange league saga and was primarily used by Ash and company to travel across oceans. A definite fan favorite who can unleash a devastating ice beam to freeze opponents in place. A nostalgic one on this Pokemon Go Ice Pokemon list.

Articuno (Ice/ Flying)

Legendary Ice/Flying Bird (Image taken from The Pokemon Company)

Max HP: 166, Max CP: 3396

Attacks: Ice Beam, Ancient Power

One of the first legendary pokemon introduced to the fan base and on this Pokemon Go Ice Pokemon list. This ice type legend of a bird is cool in every single way and there is no doubt it would be added to this list. Be wary of this pokemon as it is not as cool as it seems.

Cryogonal (Ice)

Definitely a unique shape (Image taken from Niantic)

Max HP: 149, Max CP: 3259

Attacks: Ice shard, Night Slash

This pokemon sounds like a shape and looks like one too. Some people find it creepy to look at and they should be terrified by its attacks. Those glowing eyes and eerie smile makes it a challenge for opponents to counter against.

Cloyster (Water/Ice)

Need tools to open its hard shell (Image taken from Niantic)

Max HP: 98, Max CP: 2865

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Attacks: Frost Breath, Hydro Pump

My personal favorite of the list purely due to nostalgia factor and the killer look Cloyster has. One of the first pokemon on this Pokemon Go Ice Pokemon list to have 2 types i.e. water/ice this mean shell of a pokemon is a force to be reckoned with. Good luck opening its shell once closed.

Abomasnow (Ice/ Grass)

Scary isn’t it? (Image taken from Niantic)

Max HP: 166, Max CP: 2592

Attacks: Razor Leaf, Outrage

High risk High reward is the alternate definition of this pokemon. While strong against many times, make sure it doesn’t fight against fire type. The damage against fire is extra lethal due to the hybrid of Ice and grass type.

Avalugg (Ice)

Blends well with the environment (Image taken from Niantic)

Max HP: 174, Max CP: 3871

Attacks: Ice Fang, Avalanche

Just look at this beast of a pokemon, do you really want to get it angry? Good luck against its blizzard of avalanches when unleashed. This pokemon is very reminiscent of an actual landmass.

Glaceon (Ice)

Cute and ice cold (Image taken from The Pokemon Company)
  • Max HP: 123, Max CP: 3319
  • Attacks: Frost Breath, Avalanche

Looks familiar, doesn’t it? Yes, it is one of the many evolutions of the pokemon Eevee. This one is the ice type on the best ice pokemon in the game. Way too cute and cool.

Regice (Ice)

Look out for the sharp edges (Image taken from The Pokemon Company)
  • Max HP: 149, Max CP: 3556
  • Attacks: Rock Smash, Focus Blast

A literal iceberg of a pokemon known for its cutting-edge design and deadly durability. A must pick for ice pokemon lovers. There is other similar elemental types of pokemon like Regirock. And yeah, this one is a legendary one on this Pokemon Go Ice Pokemon list.

Beartic (Ice)

Pokemon Go Ice Pokemon- The best of the best 11

Very scary indeed (Image taken from Niantic)

  • Max HP: 174, Max CP: 3318
  • Attacks: Powder Snow, Ice Punch

Imagine a polar bear gone wild, and with actual ice powers. This pokemon’s ice punch packs an actual punch and is very wild in nature. Be careful with its ice fangs and claws and they are piercing.

This list is not categorized based on pure power fantasy but a cocktail mix of strength, speed, fun factor, and nostalgia. There are way too many pokemon to keep track of so making a top 10 list is never icy (Ok, I admit it. That was terrible). The Pokemon Go Ice Pokemon type holds a very special place in everyone’s heart and is frozen in time for many pokemon fans.

What type is Ice weak against?

Fire type pokemon have the biggest advantage over Ice pokemon

Are there any Ice/water type pokemon?

Both Cloyster and Lapras are considered water/ice type

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Tags: Pokemon GO