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MS Marvel: Post Credit scene explained (Spoilers ahead)

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Ms Marvel’s series finally came to an end today. Here is what happened in the Post Credit scene 

Ms. Marvel aired its finale episode today on Disney+. Even though the series surprisingly eliminated its main villas in the penultimate episode it still did a pretty good job to make the finale episode worth watching.

The series shows how Kamala is now ready and has become the superhero she always wanted to be. Kamala also had to confront Kamran about what happened to his mother and also save her friends from damage control. This finale episode opened a few unexpected doors.

Ms Marvel shows of her power in the finale episode (Dan of Geek)

So now we know that Kamala Khan aka Miss Marvel is a mutant and something is different in her genes. At the end of the episode, Kamala’s best friend Bruno Carrelli stated that he ran some experiments on Kamala’s genetics after Kamala’s brother wanted to discover whether he could have powers too. 

However in the end Bruno states that Ms Marvel is different from the rest of the family and the only reason that the bangle responds to Kamala and not her other family members is because of her different DNA. “Whatever it is it’s just going to be another label,” Kamala answered when Bruno told her about her genetics, shrugging off the big revelation. 

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Ms Marvel wearing her original suit in the final episode (India TV)

The Mutants have already started to appear in MCU and with Professor X’s appearance in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Mutants might come before the end of Phase 4 of the MCU.

What Happened at the post-credits in Miss Marvel?

The Miss Marvel finale featured a post-credit scene that showed Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel. It all started when Kamal’s golden bangle started glowing and a violet light emerged and took the heroine away breaking the closest door. 

Carol Danvers emerges from where Kamala was seconds before and looked puzzled to be in a room filled with posters and drawings of herself.

Captain Marvel appeared in the post-credit scene (Mens XP)

Captain marvel’s appearance confirms the promotion of the upcoming movie The Marvels. Nia DaCosta’s upcoming movie will see the return of Ms. Marvel, who will finally get the chance to meet her hero, Captain Marvel. This movie is going to debut on July 28, 2023, and also stars Brie Larson and Teyonah Parris.

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