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When Raffaele Riva was just 25-years-old, he graduated from the renowned Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, Italy. He had devoted himself to his education up to that point – so much so that he not only had multiple specialties before earning his degree in economics, but he also graduated with honors as well.

Just two years later, he had become a Qualified Accountant. But still, he didn’t feel like his work was complete. He continued his post graduate education and went on to obtain many qualifications – not just in Italy, but in Switzerland and in the United Kingdom as well.

Indeed, Raffaele Riva has long worked hard to craft the type of career and legacy for himself that most people can only hope for. But how did he get to this point and what motivates him to keep going even now? The answers to questions like those require you to keep a few key things in mind. 

From Inspiration to Success and Beyond

It was in the early 1990s that things truly began to take off for Raffaele Riva. This was the period when he was serving as a Senior Executive for a major multinational conglomerate. He had already put his time in at an international level, contributing to organizations in Canada, Western Europe, and even Central America. But it was during this period that he solidified his position as a legitimate thought leader in his field.

One of the major elements that Raffaele Riva attributes to his own success is the positive outlook he tries to maintain on a daily basis. Whether you’re talking about general financial services or more specific focuses like wealth management, accounting, or auditing, it isn’t enough for him to simply “master” everything that he has set out for.

He has an insatiable curiosity that has absolutely served him well. He’s never even considered it a possibility that he might one day “do enough” or “be the best he can be.” However, that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to try. He’s constantly reading, staying up-to-date on everything going on in the industry that might be relevant to himself or his clients. He’s always researching different subjects that might have an impact on his business, regardless of how small. He does this because of his passion for continuing education, as well as because he knows that this is the approach that will allow him to generate the maximum amount of value for his clients. 

He’s always been a big believer in the idea that you should wake up in the morning and actively pursue ways to better serve and satisfy your clients. Not only will this help significantly boost your business, but it will go a long way towards allowing you to improve upon your skills as well.

Take the initiative. If something goes wrong – and it often does in a field as malleable as financial services – take the necessary steps to solve problems and address issues immediately. It provides value in life in more ways than one, and this in and of itself is the biggest benefit that this approach brings with it.

Over the last several decades, Raffaele Riva has continued to meaningfully improve himself in a variety of ways. In 2008, for example, he established the AUREA Multi Family Office. Here, he has been able to devote his time, his energy, and his passion not necessarily to benefiting himself, but to the ongoing development of others. As the owner of this company he spends his work not only with Aurea Consulenit Associati SA, but also BGB Aurea Ltd, and Milano Fiduciaria as well.

It’s also notable that by his own admission, Raffaele Riva doesn’t really have a “typical day.” When he does get into the office he begins by focusing on whatever urgent work is in front of them. Sometimes, he’ll be hard at work as early as 7:00am and won’t rest until 9:00pm each day. The working part of his day – meaning his agenda – is already planned. But he’s also open to new experiences and various activities that he may not be able to predict.

He does this because of his ongoing desire to help others in any way that he can. So long as he keeps this simple idea in mind, there is truly no limit to that which he may accomplish – something that he has already handedly proved time and again.