Raw Underground: What did Shane McMahon introduce on this week’s Raw?

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Shawn McMahon introduces shoot-style fight club ‘Raw Underground’

Shane McMahon made his big return to screen on Monday night’s WWE Raw. Along with him, he brought a new kooky concept – “Raw Underground”.

Since the start of the episode, a big announcement had been teased. Footage of a security guard standing outside a door was seen, with loud music being played in the background. At the onset of the third hour of the show, we finally got a glimpse of what was going on behind the guarded door.

A glimpse of Raw Underground (WWE)

A Fight Club like setting with a ring without ropes and wrestlers brawling in shoot-style, while more wrestlers surrounded the ring, with the returning Shane McMahon as the hype-man on the mic. And thus, Raw Underground was born.

What went on in Raw Underground?

Initially, we were treated to scenes where “Dabba-Kato”,  who is actually developmental wrestler Babatunde Aiyegbusi, was taking out competitors left, right and centre. Erik of The Viking Raiders was also involved in a fight, while Dolph Ziggler also appeared on Underground, to beat a black and blue.

Erik and Ivar made an appearance (WWE)

Towards the end of Raw, The Hurt Business – MVP, Shelton Benjamin and Bobby Lashley showed up on Underground and ran roughshod over the scenes, taking out wrestler after wrestler, as they established their control over Raw Underground.

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Ratings of WWE Raw have been on a nosedive for weeks now. And Raw Underground was an attempt to try and arrest that. However, the whole segment fell a bit flat, with the entire setting bringing back brutal memories of “Brawl for All”.

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