
Roblox Capture APIs are here – Best inputs, methods and developer notes

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New capture Roblox Capture APIs are being released by the Roblox team, giving you more flexibility over how the capture feature interacts with your experiences.

Roblox Capture APIs Overview: Roblox introduced captures last year, letting users snap, store, and share a picture of what’s on their device screen throughout an encounter. In the future, the Roblox team may look at adding support for video and other formats

When friends connect on Roblox, they visit the platform more frequently to explore experiences together, which increases engagement, as Roblox recently mentioned in a blog post. Users may share screenshots and ask friends to join their experience more easily with captures, which enhances discoverability and creates a lively community.

By using the Captures APIs, you can include predefined locations in your experience where a user’s screenshot is automatically captured. Users have the option to keep, share, or remove the screenshot.

Roblox Capture APIs- Roblox Game cover

Since you are the one who has experienced them most, you are the one who may select the most notable achievements and events to record. By encouraging users to take screenshots, you may encourage more content sharing and increase the number of people who can learn about and try your experience.

Roblox Capture APIs Background

You can incorporate preset points in your experience where a user’s screenshot is automatically grabbed by using the Captures APIs. The screenshot can be deleted, shared, or saved by users.

You can choose the most noteworthy events and accomplishments to document as you are the one who has experienced them the most. Encouraging users to snap screenshots will promote more content sharing, which will enable more people to discover and test your experience.

Roblox In game screenshot

Imagine snapping a screen grab to preserve a thrilling auto racing finish or a fantastic hole-in-one during a golf outing! You have countless options for maximizing the special moments that you will remember from your vacation.

Roblox Capture APIs Procedures

Roblox Capture APIs Overview Procedure 1:


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You can now automatically take a screenshot for a user in your experience using this new API.

A temporary ContentId will be generated for the new capture in place of the screenshot being instantly stored to the user’s Captures. To ask the user to save or share the screenshot, use the onCaptureReady callback. After then, the user has the option of saving the capture or not.

Roblox Capture APIs Overview Procedure 2:

CaptureService:PromptShareCapture(contentId, launchData, onAcceptedCallback, onDeniedCallback)

With the help of this API, you can ask a user to share a capture via the device’s native share sheet. An invitation to the experience will be conveyed alongside the captured photograph (where supported). Note: Results may differ because not all devices and/or apps are enabled including both an invite URL and a screenshot.

Users who join using the invite link will have access to the launchData string in the JoinData. If the user is unable to share content because it is not supported or because their privacy settings prohibit it, an error will be raised.

A ScreenshotHud singleton already exists; it is parented to GuiService and is automatically produced. To personalize the watermark in your experience, the Captures functionality will read from the current OverlayFont, UsernameOverlayEnabled, and ExperienceNameOverlayEnabled settings.

Roblox Cover

What platform is Roblox available on?

Roblox is available on consoles, PC and mobile devices too.

What different genres are in Roblox?

These games vary from a variety of genres such as tower defense, action, adventure etc.

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