Home » esports » Shin Megami Tensei V – All Minato Demon Statue Locations

Here is our guide on all the locations for Petrified Demon Statue Locations in Minato in Shin Megami Tensei V.

While Shin Megami Tensei V isn’t technically an open-world game, it does borrow some elements from them, such as the numerous locations to discover in Da’at’s enormous wasteland. Petrified demons are one of the things you’ll want to look out for as you play through SMT V. These are usually larger-than-life statues hidden in obscure locations.

Finding these stone demons is worthwhile because each one gives you a significant boost. Every demon in your stock will gain a free level-up for every stone demon you uncover in Da’at. This can be extremely beneficial in terms of maintaining your demon stock leveled. Here is our guide on where to find all the Minato Demon Statue Locations.

Minato Demon Statue Locations

Minato is the first place in Shin Megami Tensei 5 and thus the most straightforward. This is true for almost everything, including opponents, bosses, and even the map layout, which is generally a straight line with hidden treasures slightly off the beaten path.

However, all of the bosses in Shin Megami Tensei 5 are challenging, and even a tiny edge can transform a crushing defeat into a hard-fought victory. More than any other collectible, Demon Statues are suited for this.

Decarabia, Anzu, Baphomet, and Mothman are the four Demon Statues that can be found in Minato. Because Minato is the game’s first area, finding these Demon Statues isn’t too tough thanks to a straightforward map structure.

Minato Demon Statue Locations Petrified Decarabia
Petrified Decarabia

Petrified Decarabia

After defeating Hydra at Tokyo Tower, you’ll be able to find the first Demon Statue. When you’ve done that, search for the trail to the southwest of the real tower, which will split into two. The one road will take you to the spot where you must travel for The Cursed Mermaids quest, while the other path will take you to a larger region to explore. Begin walking down the former road (the one leading to the Mermaids), and you should notice the big Demon Statue not far down. Simply approach the statue and engage with it to obtain the levels of all demons in your party as well as the current stock.

Petrified Anzu

You won’t be able to receive this until you’ve fought Hydra, just as the previous Demon Statue. Head southwest of the Tokyo Tower, but instead of taking the path that leads to the Mermaids quest, take the other path. This will lead you down a long route that will finally lead to a dead end. Climb to the top of the ledge at the end of the route, and the Demon Statue should be right in front of you.

Minato Demon Statue Locations Petrified Anzu
Petrified Anzu

Petrified Baphomet

A trail leads up the mountain to the east of the Kamiyacho Leyline, which will lead to the Onarimon region. When you reach the fork in the path, take the one that heads straight south rather than the one that heads east and then bends south. You’ll ultimately come to a little nook where you’ll find both the Demon Statue and Miman #36 if you choose the western of the two paths south.

Minato Demon Statue Locations Petrified Baphomet
Petrified Baphomet

Petrified Mothman

This Demon Statue is a little difficult to discover because it’s on a ledge that you can reach by dropping down from the mountain’s summit. Take the trail leading to the summit of the mountain from the Onarimon Leyline, which is where you encountered the Abscess. While you’re up there, look at your map for a path that leads further south. Look for the massive rock jutting out on the southern edge of the area and leap down to get on that path. This will take you down a different road with several Mimans that you can utilise for The Demon of the Spring quest.

Minato Demon Statue Locations Petrified Mothman
Petrified Mothman

Stop around where the rocks clear on the western side of the cliff’s edge, but before you reach the little lake area at the end, as you travel south. You should notice the distinctive “light” from the Demon Statues on a ledge below you if you look over the western edge of the cliff. That’ll be the Demon Statue you’re after, so carefully lower it and take its abilities.

This was our Guide on how to find all the Minato Demon Statue locations in Shin Megami Tensei V. Some of them are easy to find while you will need to explore the are more to find the rest of them.

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