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Here is our guide on all the locations for Petrified Demon Statue Locations in Shinagawa in Shin Megami Tensei V.

While Shin Megami Tensei V isn’t technically an open-world game, it does borrow some elements from them, such as the numerous locations to discover in Da’at’s enormous wasteland. Petrified demons are one of the things you’ll want to look out for as you play through SMT V. These are usually larger-than-life statues hidden in obscure locations.

Finding these stone demons is worthwhile because each one gives you a significant boost. Every demon in your stock will gain a free level-up for every stone demon you uncover in Da’at. This can be extremely beneficial in terms of maintaining your demon stock leveled. Here is our guide on where to find all the Shinagawa Demon Statue Locations.

Shinagawa Demon Statue Locations

Shinagawa is Shin Megami Tensei 5’s second main location, and it is far more difficult than Minato. This is primarily owing to Shinagawa’s significantly larger and more complicated layout, which makes navigating around the area difficult.

Exploring, on the other hand, is something you should definitely do because there are lots of treasures to be found if you go hunting for them. Demon Statues, in particular, are worth seeking out because they can provide you with the boost in power you need to take down the area’s tougher bosses.

Hecatoncheires, Andras, Berith, Tsuchigumo, and Nue are the Five Petrified Demon Statues in Shinagawa. Unlike Minato, many of Shinagawa’s Demon Statues are difficult to locate.

Shin Megumi Tensei V Demon Statue: Petrified Hecatoncheires
Shin Megumi Tensei V Demon Statue: Petrified Hecatoncheires

Shin Megumi Tensei V Demon Statue: Petrified Hecatoncheires

It can be found in the northeastern portion of the Container Yard, near the Abscess. You can jump across to this region to the east after climbing onto the rooftops of the warehouses with the Bugs demons. You’ll be in a maze-like region, so navigate your way through it until you reach the first Naga. After passing through a little hallway, look to your right for an opening that will place you directly in front of the Demon Statue.

Shin Megumi Tensei V Demon Statue: Petrified Andras

Girimehkala, a Punishing Foe to the southeast of where you first enter this area, can be found not far from where you initially enter. A route south of him goes to a hill, and a few vending machines may be found at the summit of the little hill. If you come across climbable platforms, you’ve gone a little too far. You should spot a dead end that curves around to the north on your map near the vending machines. The Demon Statue will be situated there.

Shin Megumi Tensei V Demon Statue: Petrified Andras
Shin Megumi Tensei V Demon Statue: Petrified Andras

Shin Megumi Tensei V Demon Statue: Petrified Berith

You have the option of going north or south when you first enter this location after killing Fionn mac Cumhaill. At this crossroads, head north and at the northern end, drop off the cliff to the east. If you spot a Basilisk nearby, you’re in the right place. Continue north until you reach a larger region, where you will find the Demon Statue at the northern end.

Shin Megumi Tensei V Demon Statue: Petrified Berith
Shin Megumi Tensei V Demon Statue: Petrified Berith

Shin Megumi Tensei V Demon Statue: Petrified Tsuchigumo

When you reach the North Shinagawa Leyline, head south and look for a trail that will allow you to explore the mountains to the south. There is a location a little west of the Black Ooze monsters where you can drop down when you arrive. To the west, you’ll see the Zouchouten Punishing Foe, and beyond him, there’s a rocky area worth exploring. To get to the southwestern portion of the rocks, head out onto the rocks. If you peek over the side, you should be able to see a lower ledge where you can leap down to find the Demon Statue.

Shin Megumi Tensei V Demon Statue: Petrified Tsuchigumo
Shin Megumi Tensei V Demon Statue: Petrified Tsuchigumo

Shin Megumi Tensei V Demon Statue: Petrified Nue

There should be a handful of climbing blocks near where you located the Abscess in the region. Take them all and run past the two Baphomets before climbing the second set of blocks. There will be more Baphomets on the way up here, but the Demon Statue will be past them at the end.

Shin Megumi Tensei V Demon Statue: Petrified Nue
Shin Megumi Tensei V Demon Statue: Petrified Nue

This was our Guide on how to find all the Shinagawa Demon Statue locations in Shin Megami Tensei V. Some of them are easy to find while you will need to explore the are more to find the rest of them.

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