How To Solve Diablo 4 Reject the Mother Puzzle? 


Are you stuck in the Diablo 4 Reject the Mother Puzzle? Do not worry because this simple guide is your solution to the puzzle.

In Diablo 4, during Act III, one of the side quests known as “Reject the Mother” can be found at Dry Steppes. This optional mission allows players to use their critical thinking in solving a puzzle in order to unlock a hidden chest containing rewards. The players will receive large amounts of gold and XP for successfully completing this mission.

In order to achieve that, one should complete the main storyline of this game. In case you find it hard to spot the riddle, then finish a couple of other battle missions and come back to the region. After you have unlocked your horse, the mission “Reject the Mother” is quickly available with all other side quests. Now, how will you complete this puzzle? Do not worry, that’s why we are here to help you. Quickly download and update the game so you can start your journey.

Location of the puzzle
Location of the puzzle

The Location of Diablo 4 Reject the Mother Puzzle

In the Dry Steppes region on the east side of Ked Bardu lies the Tusmma Rift. Head over to the rift and look for a nearby region named Abahru Canyon. On the map, there are two paths and a third that branches out to the side. Follow the path with the circular opening in the center and defeat all the enemies along the way. Kill the enemies guarding a torn note on one of the rocks.

Upon picking this torn note, the Diablo 4 Reject the Mother Puzzle will begin. The note reads,”Shout your rejection, ‘no Mother of mine’ at her towering statue in Rift’s hidden shrine”. This is the hint for the solution to this particular riddle. Continue with the trail and move towards the place mentioned in your map. It borders on the Dark Ravine dungeon in the Rift of a Thousand Eyes sub-region. Use aspects like Vigorous, Trickshot, Arrow Storms, Corruption, Encircling, and more.

How to solve Diablo 4 Reject the Mother Puzzle?

To resolve the “Reject the Mother” puzzle in Diablo 4, proceed to Lilith’s secret shrine close to the Dark Ravine dungeon. Upon reaching the shrine, select the “No” emote from your emote menu by pressing the “E” key or the D-Pad up button. If you’re unable to locate the no emote on your wheel, you need to modify it.

To include the No emote on your emote wheel, press on the “customize” button on the wheel, a menu displaying all the emotes pops up. Select the “No” emote from the menu and place it anywhere on your wheel then press the confirm button. You can use strong builds of different classes like Sorceress, Necromancer, Druid werewolf, Druid, and more.

Select the options carefully in the game
Select the options carefully in the game

What Rewards do you get after completing the Reject the Mother Puzzle?

After successfully performing the emote “No” in front of the statue, you complete the Diablo 4 Reject the Mother Puzzle, and a Heretic’s Cache appears on the right side. The Heretic’s Cache is a treasure chest containing different loot. Open the chest to obtain some gold and XP, besides getting your hands on the +20 Renown. It’s a reward for solving the Diablo 4 Reject the Mother Puzzle.

To be more precise, you have to finish the Whittling Sanity quest before starting the Reject The Mother side quest. Interacting with the note will not initiate the quest if it is approached before that. Diablo 4 contains several of these challenging emote quests. And if you know what you’re doing, they’re a swift way to pick up some Renown, even though they might cause you some trouble at first. Complete other dungeons like Black Asylum, Flooded Depths, Caldera Gate, and Anica’s claim.


How do I start the “Reject the Mother” puzzle in Diablo 4?

After picking up the torn note in the Tusmma Rift, the puzzle is triggered. The note instructs players to shout “no Mother of mine” at a towering statue in Lilith’s secret shrine near the Dark Ravine dungeon.

What rewards do I get for completing the “Reject the Mother” puzzle in Diablo 4?

After successfully performing the “No” emote in front of the statue, a Heretic’s Cache appears, containing various loot, gold, XP, and +20 Renown. It’s important to note that players must finish the Whittling Sanity quest before attempting the “Reject the Mother” side quest.

For more coverage, check out other Diablo 4 topics.

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Omer Khan
Omer Khan
I am a writer who informs readers by combining my love of storytelling. Turning button mashing into word smashing – because every virtual adventure deserves an epic tale.

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