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If you are a beginner or just started playing Star Wars Squadrons then take some help from the Star Wars Squadrons guide.

A space combat game, Star Wars: Squadrons takes place from a first-person perspective. The player controls either a Galactic Empire or New Republic starfighter. By transferring power between the ship’s weapons, shields, and engines, they can defeat their opponents in combat with these ships. It is necessary to add other features to the imperial starfighter class to keep both teams in balance because shields do not exist in imperial starfighters.

Through increasing experience, players can unlock new weapons, shields, upgrades, and cosmetic items for their pilot. In addition to earning Glory, players can purchase cosmetic unlocks by completing Daily Challenges and Operation Challenges. Players can view the ship’s cockpit instruments to see its status, shields, and powers. To play the game without trouble, read the following Star Wars Squadrons guide with the best tips and tricks for you.


Star Wars Squadrons Guide: Learn techniques from missions

During the single-player story, you’ll be able to learn some handy techniques and lessons that will help you in the face of real pilots, as well as learn about a galaxy far away. Every mission is worth playing, not only for fun but also for learning advanced moves, like drifting by boosting, then turning 180 degrees sharply to face someone on your tail.

Star Wars Squadrons Guide: Targeting System

In the game, players have the option of using the targeting system to prioritize a specific group in combat. This is a very neat gameplay aspect. Both fighters and support units can benefit from this system. A fighter can target enemies, while a support can target allies, providing ample assistance. 

It is also possible to primarily target the mission objective in campaign mode with the target system. Players may target an attacker right away if they are engaged by double-pressing the cycle target button.

Star Wars Squadrons Guide: Capital Ships

During Fleet Battles, Squadrons’ main mode, teams have the primary objective of destroying Capital Ships. As a result, many beginners fly slowly around enemy capital ships to give themselves as much time to damage the enemy CC as possible. Unless you keep your ship moving at a high speed during blaster/bombing runs, a Capital Ship can obliterate you. This is a huge mistake. Don’t underestimate the Capital Ships, and maintain your speed and safety.

Learn about the ships

Across Squadrons, you have four ship classes, and each class has two ships – one for the Republic and one for the Empire. The eight ships all function very differently in almost every way. They all have unique stats like health and mobility, as well as different ship components and cockpit layouts. You should spend time in all the cockpits, even if you have a favorite ship type early on. You can learn the advantages and disadvantages of your allies and enemies in this way.

Use Drift the right way

During the campaign mode, players learn about the ship’s ability to drift, and it can be a difficult thing to get a handle on at first. It’s one of the most interesting mechanics in the game. Players need to prioritize their power output towards their engine in order to achieve this. Boosting speed is the next step, followed by making a sharp turn and turning off the engine.

It can be challenging at first but once mastered, it becomes easy. This is a very useful mechanic to use in combat, as it allows the player to face off against a tailing enemy head-on, and it can support missile defenses as well.


Use the Front And Back Shields properly

In the New Republic, players can use a mechanic exclusive to the good guys’ starships when playing as a pilot. As an added bonus, New Republic ships can place shields around themselves to avoid significant damage input. They can also use their shields to either focus on the ship’s front side or behind it or to balance them completely.

Players who want to last in Star Wars: Squadrons should know when to shift their shields’ focus. When facing enemies head-on, they should place their shields in front of their ship. Players who are being aggressively attacked by a tailing enemy are better off placing their shields behind their ships.

Select your ship carefully

Since Fleet Battles is a strategic mode, it’s best to spawn into a ship that corresponds to the situation you’re in. It’s easy to hop into your favorite ship and just fly it, but due to its strategic nature, it’s best to choose a ship that matches your situation. 

You should choose an interceptor or fighter class early in the game if you are attacking other players, but a powerful bomber class is more appropriate if you are attacking an AI capital ship. Also, you should try out the Support class occasionally. A good team needs a supplier to help them out on the battlefield.

Time your Deploying countermeasures

One thing most beginners do not realize immediately is deciding when to deploy countermeasures. It is very important because if a missile is locked onto you, countermeasures can save your life. Those who deploy countermeasures too late will suffer massive damage if the missile explodes on them. 

If they deploy too early, they won’t reach the missile – and their one defense will have been wasted. When a missile locks onto you, a little UI element with arrows going inwards will emerge. Pay attention to it. You shouldn’t use your defenses until the innermost arrows light up.

Complete the story mode first

Playing and completing the story mode in Star Wars Squadrons before diving into multiplayer mode is very important. Even though most players prefer multiplayer games over single-player games, it is recommended to explore this game’s story mode as well. Neither the Star Wars franchise nor the story in this game is particularly compelling. However, it will give the gamers much-needed instructions and strategies that they can implement to control the vastness of space when battling other players online.

Do not travel in a straight line

As soon as you get unwanted attention, start making short, sharp movements to ward it off. Flying in a straight line in Squadrons is a surefire way to make yourself an easy target, so do not let them get to you. If you’re feeling confident, drift and let them experience their own laser medicine, or you can find a cave made from an asteroidal or debris fragment.


So this was the Star Wars Squadrons guide. Follow the tips and tricks carefully to become stronger.

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