
Who is 4ourthdimension? Reddit user finds Steam logo used in Jerusalem church, asks to report

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Steam logo in Jerusalem church: All you should know about who is 4ourthdimension and learn all about the Reddit user who finds the steam logo used in Jerusalem church and asks to report.

4ourthdimension is a Reddit user who made a post two days ago wherein he asked a question on reporting the church of Lord and Saviour Gabe N for copyright and trademark infringement.

There were 20,000 likes and 798 comments on his post. There have been controversies in terms of the logo and the choice that they made while choosing it.

The controversy over raising the logo is the Steam logo. Steam is a gaming platform, and the church has taken up Steam’s logo, which has caused a lot of issues on social media.

Here’s a deep dive into what the whole issue is about and the reactions of various Reddit users to it. 

Who is 4ourthdimension? Steam logo in Jerusalem church found by Reddit user

La Nueva Jerusalem has taken up the logo of Steam, which is a gaming platform that was created by Valve in 2003.

There have been comments where a lot of Reddit users agree with the fact that the church has copied Steam’s logo.

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There were mixed reactions from Reddit users. One user took to his Reddit account and questioned the church for using the logo.

byu/4ourthdimension from discussion
byu/4ourthdimension from discussion

Another user reacted to this incident, stated the logical aspects behind it, and even tried to confirm whether the logo was for Steam or not.

He stated that after taking one or two looks at the logo, he was sure that it belonged to Steam. He sought advice on reporting it to Valve, the company that launched Steam. 

There were some hilarious reactions from users too, wherein they said that they would report it for sure.

byu/4ourthdimension from discussion

There was another user who mentioned how he was pretty sure that churches are exempt from copyright infringement. The reactions given by Reddit users are hilarious, and the solutions being given to the question just make it better.

byu/4ourthdimension from discussion

Conclusion – Steam logo in Jerusalem church

Steam logo in Jerusalem church: The church’s act of stealing Steam’s logo has caused a lot of confusion on how the logo will represent the church, and there were hilarious comments all over Reddit about the situation. 4ourthdimension is the Reddit user who posted the symbol on his profile and asked for people’s opinions. He was seen responding to other users and expressing his thoughts on the copyright and infringement topics. However, there is no response from the gaming platform whose logo has been used by the church. 

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Ishita Sharma

I enjoy writing, curating content, learning about psychology, discovering new interests, and much more.

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