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The 7 C’s method is a simple tool that helps us think on the axes that help us decide and achieve goals. Its function is to order ideas and emotions to accomplish a purpose. I learned about this method from when I explored dozens of business literature sources to prepare my college essay.

The 7 C’s method is a kind of catalog that reminds us of the pillars on which the path to an objective or goal rests. Each of these factors contributes to moving from desire to act coherently.

This tool is valuable when what you set out to do is a goal that is not so easy to achieve. Doing something sometimes requires great effort and is necessary to maintain the motivation to achieve it. The 7 C’s method helps to remember what is essential in all this. 

Although the 7 C’s method by itself is not a guarantee of success, it is a valuable help, especially if you feel that you are moving away from your goal. It allows you to reorder ideas and identify the factor that may be defeating your purpose. Let’s see what it is.

1. Conviction – the basis 

The 7 C’s method says that it is impossible to achieve your goals if you don’t have the full conviction that it is important to achieve them. It would help if you felt that this is the best thing for you.

Conviction is the basis of motivation, and this, in turn, is fundamental for you to be constant in your effort. Before starting on the struggle to achieve a purpose, gather reasons to do it.

2. Capacity – make sure you are ready

When setting a severe goal, you must select a time limit to achieve it. Thinking about it is a good excuse to ask yourself whether or not you are ready to get where you want to go. You must be very honest with yourself.

If you realize that you still have to complete some processes before going for the goal you want, the best thing to do is rethink what you have proposed. Maybe you need to submit some previous objectives more in line with what you can do now.

3. Courage – every achievement requires courage

Every achievement requires courage, mainly in two senses. The first has to do with the courage to set a goal and set out on the path to achieving it without any guarantee that you will do it. Many do not start something for fear of failure.

The second aspect that demands courage is the mistakes that at a particular moment may prevent us from moving forward, seeing them as insurmountable obstacles. It is then when courage is required to continue. Do you have it?

4. Clarity – knowing where you are going

In the 7 C’s method, this factor is significant: clarity. The clearer and more specific the formulation of your goal, the greater the chances of achieving it. A well-formulated purpose allows you to have a more precise and exact idea of the destination you want to reach.

It is not enough. It is also necessary to ask yourself how you are going to achieve what you propose. What steps you have to take, what goals you have to accomplish to get where you want to go. Both the end of the road and the journey are essential.

5. Compassion – be kind to yourself

You will probably go through some episodes when things don’t go as you had planned. You may also realize that you were wrong at some point, or you may make a mistake in the execution of your plans.

The 7 C’s method tells us that it is in those moments when you should be compassionate with yourself. Whipping yourself or judging yourself too harshly is not going to do you any good. On the contrary: in the most challenging moments, you must show that you are your best friend.

6. Connection – it is better to go together

Even if your purpose is individual, there will always be someone who participates in you. That’s why it’s not a good idea to lock yourself into your goal and, in the desire to be firm, turn it into an obsession or make yourself hermetic in front of others.

It is very positive that you share your ideas with others and listen to what they have to tell you. It could not only help you to enrich your plans, but it is also an excellent opportunity to nourish yourself with energy that others can bring to you.

7. Commitment – without decision, nothing is achieved

The word commitment comes from the Latin roots “cum”, or ‘with,’ and “promises,” or ‘promise.’ So it means something like agreeing to fulfill a promise. With whom is this agreement made? In this case, with yourself.

That agreement assumes that you are doing what you want to do and doing it free from external pressures. That’s what conviction, clarity, and connection are for. All of these allow you to draw goals on the horizon.