
Top Valorant One Way Smokes You Need to Know on Every Map

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Valorant is very good at tactics in a lot of different areas, not just guns and maps. To move up the ranks, you need to know how to use your agent’s utilities well, and knowing how to use Valorant one way smokes is a skill that every player should have.

By strategically placing smoke, you can see your enemies while blocking their view, giving you a big tactical edge. Adding Valorant one way smokes to your arsenal can help you play better and confuse your opponents, no matter how experienced you are or how new you are.

This guide goes into detail about the most important one-way smokes for each Valorant map. It gives you the information and tools you need to take over any fight.

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Understanding Valorant one way smokes

Before we get into specific map plans, let’s talk about what Valorant one way smokes are and how they work. These smokes take advantage of how the game works to block your view from one side. If you put the smoke in a certain place and at a certain height, you can see enemies through the bottom of it while blocking their view. This lets you aim ahead of time at enemy places and surprise them.

Here are some key factors to consider when using Valorant one way smokes:

  • Smoke Agent: Certain agents like Omen, Viper, and Brimstone excel at creating Valorant one way smokes due to the shape and size of their smoke canisters.
  • Smoke Placement: The exact spot and height of where the smoke is put are very important. Millimeters can make the difference between an obstruction that works and one that doesn’t.
  • Distance from the Smoke: You typically need to stand further back from the smoke compared to your opponent to see their feet through the bottom.

Mastering Valorant one way smokes on Each Map

Now, let’s explore some essential one-way smokes for each Valorant map:

1. Ascent

Ascent map smoke
  • One-Way Smoke for A Main Entrance (Defender): This smoke helps protect site A from an enemy rush that comes in quickly. Use Omen’s Dark Cover outside of A main and aim just above the big box on the left side of the door. This lets you see the enemy’s feet coming up behind you while blocking their view.
  • One-Way Smoke for Mid Market (Attacker): It’s important to take hold of Mid Market on Ascent. You can use your smoke container as Brimstone or Viper. Point it at the top of the big red box in Mid Market. This smoke blocks your enemies’ view of the market area while letting you see them peeking out from behind the box.

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2. Bind

Bind map smoke
  • One-Way Smoke for Short A Heaven (Attacker): You can sneak a peek into Short A Heaven with this smoke and no one will know. As Omen, stand in the small cubby next to Showers and aim Dark Cover just above the top shelf of the two boxes. From Heaven, you’ll be able to see enemies sneaking up on you while you stay hidden.
  • One-Way Smoke for Teleporter Entrance (Defender): Defending Teleporter on Bind takes smart use of smoke. As a Viper, aim your Poison Cloud at the top wall of the front door to the Teleporter from B site. This blocks the enemy’s view while letting you see their feet trying to enter the Teleporter.

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3. Haven

Haven smoke
  • One-Way Smoke for A Long Window (Defender): Controlling A Long on Haven is very important. You can use smoke as Brimstone or Viper. Point it at the top of the big box on the left side of A Long window. In this way, you can see enemies peeking out from the window while blocking their view of the site.
  • One-Way Smoke for C Site Cubby (Attacker): Gaining control of the C site cubby can give your team a significant advantage. Playing as Omen, use Dark Cover and aim it at the top ledge of the entrance to the cubby from Garage. This allows you to see enemies peeking from the cubby while remaining concealed.

4. Split

Split smokes
  • One-Way Smoke for A Main Entrance (Defender): Getting a Main handle is very important on Split. Hit the big box on the left side of the A Main door with Dark Cover as Omen. Aim it a little above the top. You’ll see enemy feet coming toward the spot while blocking their view.
  • One-Way Smoke for Mid Cubby (Attacker): When you play Split and take control of Mid Cubby, you get important map control. As Viper, aim your Poison Cloud at the top of the doorway to Mid Cubby from Mid. This makes it possible for you to see enemy feet poking out from behind the cubby while blocking their view of the area.

5. Icebox

Icebox smokes
  • One-Way Smoke for A Site Kitchen (Defender): To defend a site on Icebox, you need to use smoke in a smart way. If you are Brimstone or Viper, aim your smoke at the top of the big box in A Kitchen. This lets you see enemies peeking out from the kitchen while blocking their view of the site.
  • One-Way Smoke for B Yellow (Attacker): For a B site push to work, you must take control of B Yellow on Icebox. As Omen, use Dark Cover and aim just above the top of the two boxes next to B Yellow. While you stay hidden, you’ll be able to see enemy feet peeking out from Yellow.

So these were all the Valorant one way smokes. Let us know if you need more for other maps.

Note: The images we used might differ and is like an additional tip for you. Deciding the smoke agent is up to you. You can take agent of your choice and try these tips and see how it works for you.

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Omer Khan

I am a writer who informs readers by combining my love of storytelling. Turning button mashing into word smashing – because every virtual adventure deserves an epic tale.

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