Tower of Fantasy Claudia: Weapons, Abilities, and More


Tower of Fantasy Claudia is an SSR Simulacrum that you can play. She is linked to the sword Icon sword Guren Blade Guren Blade, which can be used.

Claudia is in charge of Hykros’s affairs after he was badly hurt in a fight with the Heirs of Aida during Operation Dark Apocalypse. To get better, she is now in a hospital somewhere unknown healing. In any case, she first shows up in the major story task Search for the Abyss Current, when she fights Grayspace Entities at Dragon Breath Volcano.

People often think that Tower of Fantasy Claudia is cold and overbearing, but the top Executor isn’t as mean as they thought. That’s not at all what she is. People who know her well say that she is so nice that she’s almost too easy to get along with. Because she was so kind, she became something of a hero. In this complete guide, you will find all the information about Tower of Fantasy Claudia.

Claudia's gameplay
Claudia’s gameplay

Tower of Fantasy Claudia Appearance

Tower of Fantasy Claudia is a girl whose long, white hair flows freely and has red lines on both sides. People say she is a tall woman with red eyes. Her outfit is made up of special black military-style clothes and a black hat that makes her look like a captain. 

On her feet, she wears black high heels, an orange legging that goes all the way down her left leg, and a black legging that goes over the top of her right boot and around her right thigh.

When Claudia wakes up, she doesn’t look like such a formal captain, and her new outfit shows off her top. Tower of Fantasy Claudia no longer wears a hat. Instead, she has on big, yellow earrings in the shape of triangles. 

Her hair looks very different now. Some parts of it are much shorter than they used to be, and the red streaks are now split in the front to make side bangs. She keeps wearing her nylon clothes with a few small changes, but she takes off her apron skirt totally. 

Tower of Fantasy Claudia puts on a new red and black jacket as a cape and black high heels that reach her thighs. In some of Claudia’s drawings, like the Limited Special Order Banners, she looks very different when she wakes up. She wears mostly red clothes, blue triangle-shaped earrings, and round rose-colored glasses.

Tower of Fantasy Claudia simulacrum Guren Blade stats

Stats:Elemental Resonance:Weapon Effect:
Combat Strength: 272Physical attack increases by 15%Fully charged attacks deal 137.00% damage
Shatter: 7.50Physical resistance increases by 25%Applies grievous for 7 seconds (20% more damage taken)
Charge: 12.00Requires 2+ physical damage weapons
Attack: 16Off-hand weapons count
Resistance: 6Effects do not stack
HP: 1165

Tower of Fantasy Guren Blade weapon abilities

The following is a list of all of the Guren Blade weapon abilities, along with their specific statistics, so that you are aware of the exact amount of damage that you will be dealing.

Quick Slash

As you are lying on the ground, swing the sword in order to launch five consecutive attacks.

  • In the first attack, you will do damage equal to 59.2% of the attack plus two, and you will also knock the victim back a short distance.
  • Damage equal to 82.9% of the attack plus three is dealt during the second strike, and the victim is knocked back a short distance.
  • You will do damage equal to 75% of your attack plus three, and you will knock the victim back a short distance with your third strike.
  • You will do damage equal to 131.7% of the attack plus seven, and you will knock the victim back a short distance with your fourth assault.
  • With your fifth strike, you will do damage equal to 225% of your attack plus 11, and you will also knock the victim back a short distance.

Jumping Strike

To attack four times in a row when you are flying, touch the normal attack button.

  • Damage dealt by the first strike is equivalent to 35.3% of the assault plus one. 
  • Damage dealt by the second attack is equal to 61.3% of the attack plus three. Damage dealt by the third attack is equal to 145% of the attack plus eight.
  • As part of your fourth attack, you will do damage equal to 175.9% of your attack plus 9 and knock someone down.


After completing a normal attack, you can activate Cyclone by holding down the normal attack button. With each strike, the target is suspended, and 47.8 percent of the attack plus three is dealt to a single target.

Diving Edge

In order to use Diving Edge, you may either press and hold regular attack while you are flying, or you can tap normal attack while climbing, leaping backwards, or utilizing the Jetpack tool. Do damage equal to 10% of your attack plus one for each hit you deal while you are falling. 

Your target will be knocked back and you will do damage equal to 76.4% of your attack plus four when you land. There is a correlation between the height at which the assault is triggered and the amount of damage that is done, which may reach up to 600%.

Sneak Attack

While crouching, approach your opponent from behind. After that, touch the usual attack button to activate Sneak Attack, which does damage equivalent to 570% of the previous attack plus 30.


Dodge: Leap Attack

During the brief moment that follows evading, Tower of Fantasy Caludia can activate Leap Attack by tapping the usual attack button. With a stroke of their sword, the Wanderer deals damage to the target equal to 37.9% of their attack plus two. This causes the victim to be strongly suspended and to become airborne, after which they deal extra damage equal to 56.8% of their attack plus three.

Skill: Roam

As you swing the blade, dance through targets, dealing damage equal to 418% of your attack plus 22 to up to five targets. Hits that hit the same target in a row deal 20% less damage. When Roam is over, slash the space in front of you, dealing 264% of your attack plus 14 damage to targets nearby and suspending them. While the skill is active, control powers can’t hurt them, and any damage they take is cut in half. 15 seconds of rest.

Discharge: Unbridled Flurry

When the Wanderer switches from another weapon to this one when their weapon charge is full or Phantasia is activated, all of their debuffs are removed. They then rush to a target and strongly suspends them, dealing 523.3% of their attack plus 28 damage. Then, leaving behind a Bladestorm that deals 209.6% of their attack plus 11 damage to the target while making them immune to grievous, freeze, burn, and electrify effects for 5 seconds.

Tower of Fantasy Claudia advancements

Tower of Fantasy deals with simulacrum replicas in a way that is similar to Genshin Impact: you can trade them in for big improvements to your Tower of Fantasy weapons. Some improvements may just make a skill stronger, while others may change how it works. Any way you look at it, progress will always be good for you.

  • 1 star: When you hit a target with a skill or discharge skill, this buff will stack for one stack: For 25 seconds, deal 8% more damage. This effect stacks up to three times, but only one stack can be used at a time.
  • 2 stars: Add 16% to the base attack growth of the present weapon.
  • 3 stars: When you use a skill or discharge skill on a target, deal one stack of War Wounds to that target: It will take 10% more physical damage and break from physical weapons for 15 seconds. Stack up to one time.
  • 4 stars: Add 32% more health to the current weapon’s base health gain.
  • 5 stars: When you hit targets with skills or fire skills, you get a skill damage boost that makes all weapon skills 20% more powerful for 25 seconds. It is not possible to stack this effect.
  • 6 stars: Skills that hit the same victim do less damage now. Everyone within eight meters of the Guren Blade who has War Wounds gets another one-stack of War Wounds after the skill or discharge skill is used.

Tower of Fantasy Claudia awakening traits

It’s mostly a matter of preference if you want to play as certain replicas instead of the Wanderer you made in the Tower of Fantasy character customization menu. But the waking system lets you get a few extra buffs and powers that are only available to that simulacrum by giving them gifts in exchange for points. Everyday Items, Rare Items, and Decorations are Claudia’s favorite types of gifts.

  • 1,200 points: Blink – Go invisible for one second upon dodging.
  • 4,000 points: Shadow – Go invisible for 1.5 seconds upon dodging.


What are the combat stats and elemental resonance of Claudia’s Guren Blade in Tower of Fantasy?

Claudia’s Guren Blade has a Combat Strength of 272, Shatter 7.50, Charge 12.00, Attack 16, Resistance 6, and HP 1165. The elemental resonance is Physical, with a 15% increase in physical attack and a 25% increase in physical resistance when equipped with two or more weapons that do physical damage.

What is the weapon effect of Guren Blade in Tower of Fantasy?

Guren Blade’s weapon effect is Grievous, which, with the next fully charged attack, deals damage equal to 137.00% of the attack and renders the victim grievous for seven seconds, causing them to take 20% more damage.

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Omer Khan
Omer Khan
I am a writer who informs readers by combining my love of storytelling. Turning button mashing into word smashing – because every virtual adventure deserves an epic tale.

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