Tower of Fantasy Guide – 10 Tips and Tricks for Beginners


Are you new to Tower of Fantasy and don’t know what to do? Our Tower of Fantasy guide is made just for you with some tips and tricks. 

The story of Tower of Fantasy starts with a lack of energy and dwindling resources that have forced humanity to leave earth and migrate to Aida, an alien world with lush vegetation and powerful energy known as Omniium. There, they investigated the comet Mara and discovered its hidden power, Omniium. After building the Omnium Tower to capture Mara, they experienced disasters in their new homeworld due to Omnium radiation.

Enjoy the vast alien world of this game that is full of beautiful open vistas and imposing futuristic structures. Discover the stories of each character, as well as their unique weapons, as you explore their captivating backstories. Battle against enemies of all sizes and kinds in epic fights while quickly switching between different gameplay styles and weapons to develop your own unique fighting style. To know more about the game, read our Tower of Fantasy guide, as it has some of the best tips and tricks for you.

Tower of Fantasy Guide: Main Story Quests

The chapters all together complete the main story of Tower of Fantasy. By completing the main quests, you will unlock other Relics. These include the jetpack, as well as two SR characters that serve as the game’s instructional characters. It is quite good so always try to complete the main quests as soon as possible.

Tower of Fantasy Guide: Physical Shield

You should be aware that the Cyan Physical Shield will act badly when you are doing a shield breakage with physical weapons. It is recommended for all players with elemental weapons when doing shield breaks.

Stamina helps for Dungeons

There is a stamina system in Tower of Fantasy that allows you to enter dungeons in the overworld. However, keep in mind that stamina regenerates over time and it is recommended to use it while playing, as you cannot store extra stamina after reaching maximum levels.

Unlock waypoints

As you travel from one place to another in Tower of Fantasy, you will find Waypoints scattered across the world. When you press the interact button, waypoints will appear. To fast-travel to another waypoint, open your map and select the waypoint you want to travel to. This will make your travel very easy and save a lot of time for you. 

Foods are very important

The game has foods that you will give your characters. You will get so many effects from these foods. Foods are the fuel that allows you to gain health. A player’s total damage potential can be increased by improving their stamina, resistance, elemental damage, and overall damage potential. In general, eating can restore a player’s hunger points.

Tower of Fantasy gameplay
Tower of Fantasy gameplay

Obtain Dark Crystals

The Tower of Fantasy includes Dark Crystals as one of its premium currencies, which can be acquired through specific tasks and missions. Many achievements can be unlocked through specific tasks, missions, and quests. There are tons of achievements in the game that will award you between 5 and 20 Dark Crystals. You will also receive other rewards, such as Gacha currencies if you achieve certain numbers of achievements.

Explore as much as you can

Exploring always helps in games like these. You can find lots of things when you explore in the game. Dark Crystals can be obtained through exploration of the world. As your exploration progress reaches certain percentages, you will receive more Dark Crystals. You can advance your exploration by completing puzzles, opening chests, and finding new locations.

Explore in the game
Explore in the game

Restore Satiety

It is the satiety of your character that determines how much HP your character will recover after five seconds outside of battle. The higher the satiety, the more HP your character will recover. On a scale, 0 represents the least satiety and 100 represents the most. In addition to restoring satiety, food also helps you recover more health in a shorter amount of time. If you are too hungry, you will lose this HP recovery, making it necessary, especially if you are trying to recover full health right away.

Satiety levels can decrease

As you spend time on the field and recover 10% of HP automatically, your satiety level will decrease. In addition, even if you do not move, your satiety level will decline over time. Therefore, you should keep this in mind.

Unlock recipes and get rewards

It is also worthwhile to unlock recipes to receive specific rewards. A recipe of higher rarity rewards you more, but it requires more and rare materials. So, if you have rare materials, then it will be easier for you to unlock recipes.

So that is everything you needed to know about Tower of Fantasy. Follow our Tower of Fantasy guide and you will definitely improve in the game. 

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Omer Khan
Omer Khan
I am a writer who informs readers by combining my love of storytelling. Turning button mashing into word smashing – because every virtual adventure deserves an epic tale.

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