
Tunche Guide – 10 Tips and Tricks for Beginners

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With the help of the Tunche Guide, you can learn some of the best things about the game. This will help you to progress quickly.

Tunche is a visually delightful beat’em up and hack and slash game that features roguelike gameplay elements. Immerse yourself in four distinct worlds, each brimming with distinctive enemies, bosses, hurdles, and narratives. You can either enjoy the game solo or join forces with up to three of your friends for a local co-op experience. You will unveil the mystery of the forest and uncover the secrets of Tunche!

Furthermore, you have the option to pick one of the five distinctive characters. These are, Rumi, the enchantress, Pancho, the musician, Qaru, the bird boy, Nayra, the warrior, and Hat Kid from the well-received game A Hat In Time. To succeed in the game, you will need our Tunche Guide. It has some of the best tips and tricks for you.


Tunche Guide: Starting the game

In Tunche, players kick off the game by selecting one of the five distinct characters available. From there, they will embark on a thrilling run, where they will battle hordes of enemies in every room, leaving nothing but a bloody mess in their wake. After vanquishing their foes, they will be rewarded with various perks and items, which are determined by the portal they opt for.

Branching pathways and sigils are utilized in Tunche, much like in the popular game Hades. While some doorways may lead to side quests or mini-games, most rooms follow a similar pattern, with different rewards awaiting players at the end. Additionally, it’s worth noting that players will only lose gold and Spiritual Orbs, temporary power-ups, upon dying.

Tunche Guide: Co-op mode

Tunche stands out among other roguelikes due to its integration of classic beat ’em up gameplay mechanics. The game also offers a couch co-op mode, accommodating up to four players. Unfortunately, the game lacks difficulty options or customizable features.

However, there is a silver lining – the co-op mode can level the playing field and make for a more enjoyable experience. While Tunche can be entertaining when played solo, it’s recommended to wait and gather at least one friend or family member to join in on the co-op fun. This should alleviate some of the tediousness of the game and reduce the grind.

Tunche Guide: Resources

In Tunche, the accumulation of resources plays a critical role in the game’s progression. The following are the primary resources:

  • Gold: Gold is a highly versatile currency that players can use to purchase items from Ogi during gameplay and at the camp. Additionally, it can be used to buy lianas. Gold is earned by defeating enemies, bosses, and at the end of each room.
  • Shards: Shards are essential in improving players’ cores, allowing them to advance in the game. Shards are collected at the end of each room.
  • Essences: Essences are another critical resource used to enhance a player’s character. Similar to Shards, they are also collected at the end of each room and on bosses.
  • Entropy: Entropy is a unique resource in Tunche, which is accumulated every time a player wins a fight. Players can use Entropy to unlock the Fountain of Healing and Altar of Restoration, which can be highly beneficial during gameplay.

Maximize your life

When playing Tunche, it’s crucial to know about Life (red) nuclei as it allows you to heal yourself and provides several other benefits. Here are some benefits you will get from it:

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  • Regeneration: The best way to improve your Life is by collecting nuclei that allow for regeneration. Always try to get them whenever possible.
  • Second Chance: Dying in Tunche can be frustrating, but the Second Chance feature allows you to avoid it. Make sure to use it wisely.
  • Sanctuary: Using a potion creates a healing zone, which can be incredibly useful when playing in a team. Always keep this in mind.
  • Vital Explorer: While healing by exploring new areas may seem useless at lower levels, it becomes more practical at max level where you can get a potion.
  • Leech: Killing a creep can grant you additional Life, making this feature very practical in combat situations.
  • Jungle Stamina: Although it may not seem very useful, the extra shield provided by Jungle Stamina can come in handy during intense battles.

Tunche Guide: Essence System

In Tunche, the symbols for each room are not clearly spelled out to players, which can make the game confusing at first. However, one symbol to look out for is EXP, which stands for experience points. In Tunche, experience points are replaced by Essence, which can be used to buy upgrades for each individual character at camp. To earn Essence, players must collect door prizes, which can be a grind. To make the most of your gameplay, always prioritize doors marked with the EXP logo to earn more Essence.

Mastering the Grind

One of the reasons why Tunche is such a grind is because Essence is not rewarded to players upon successful kills, unlike in typical RPGs. Therefore, it’s crucial to strategize and plan your gameplay to maximize your Essence. Focus on collecting door prizes marked with the EXP logo and aim to clear out each room before moving on to the next. Additionally, try to use your Essence wisely by investing in upgrades that will benefit your gameplay style. By mastering the Essence system, you’ll be able to level up your characters faster and progress through the game with ease.

Identifying and Upgrading Spiritual Orbs

In Tunche, players should keep an eye out for symbols in doorways, as they can provide temporary perks called Spiritual Orbs. One of the best early Spiritual Orbs to find is Leech, which can be recognized by its spiral typhoon appearance. At level one, Leech will heal players one HP for every kill, making it a valuable boost in the game. Although Spiritual Orbs are lost upon death, players can upgrade them back at camp. By upgrading Leech to level two, it will heal two HP, providing even more support in the game. To make the most of your Spiritual Orbs, focus on identifying and upgrading them whenever possible.

Utilizing Bloodsucking Abilities

In a roguelike game like Tunche, bloodsucking abilities like Leech can be incredibly valuable. These abilities can help players survive longer and thrive in the game. To utilize these abilities effectively, prioritize finding and upgrading Spiritual Orbs like Leech whenever possible. Additionally, try to plan your gameplay around these abilities, taking advantage of their healing properties to stay alive and progress further in the game. By mastering the use of bloodsucking abilities, you’ll be able to navigate Tunche with ease and overcome even the toughest challenges.

Balancing Melee and Ranged Attacks

In Tunche, using melee attacks is free, while using ranged attacks, even the basic starter option, uses MP. Although ranged attacks may be weaker, they provide an advantage in terms of distance, allowing players to stay safer during combat. To balance melee and ranged attacks effectively, it’s important to exhaust all MP before jumping into a brawl. This will allow players to replenish their MP gauge with each successful hit, enabling them to switch back to ranged attacks once the meter is completely refilled. Additionally, using a good dodge roll or two can further enhance your combat strategy.


Maximizing Ranged Attacks

Ranged attacks can be a valuable asset in Tunche, allowing players to keep their distance and avoid danger during combat. To maximize the effectiveness of ranged attacks, try to use them strategically, exhausting all MP before engaging in close-range combat. Additionally, focus on upgrading your ranged attacks whenever possible to increase their power and impact. By using ranged attacks to your advantage and balancing them with melee attacks, you’ll be able to navigate Tunche with ease and overcome even the toughest enemies.

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Omer Khan

I am a writer who informs readers by combining my love of storytelling. Turning button mashing into word smashing – because every virtual adventure deserves an epic tale.

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