
Valorant Breach Guide – Abilities, Best Maps, Tips and Tricks

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Breach in Valorant is a bionic agent In the game and has the power to destroy the battle feel with these powers. Here is how to master this agent.

The Breach has the ability to take on any battle that other agents can’t match. When the initiator agent comes on the field no one can think of beating him easily. He is the idle agent you are looking to take on the most difficult challenges in Valorant.

Valorant Breach

Let’s see what makes Breach so powerful and what playstyle suits the agent best.

Valorant Breach Abilities

Valorant breach abilities as mentioned above would definitely give you an edge over you and your teammates in any given situation. Let’s have a look at all the abilities of Breach in Valorant.

  • Aftershock 200 creds: Equip a fusion charge Fire the charge to set a slow burst past the wall. This would give heavy damage to anyone caught in it for 2 seconds.
  • Flashpoint 50 CREDS: This equips a blind charge. Fire this charge to set a fast-pacing bust through the wall and the charge would blind all players looking at it for 2 seconds.
  • Fault Line( free): This gives a free 40-second cooldown and fires a seismic blast. You can hold fire to Increase the distance. Use this to set off the quake and it will daze off the players in the zone and in a lineup to the zone for 3.5 seconds.
  • Rolling Thunder 7 points: You get to use the seismic charge and fire it to give a quake through all terrain in a large area. Anyone who gets caught in this quake gets knocked down for 6 seconds.
Valorant Breach abilities

Aftershock and Flash Point are designed to support you and your team whenever you require a burst through enemy lines, making them weak or blind.

Valorant Breach Tricks and Tips

Breach gives you the ability that would help enter a site smoothly. You can stay back and throw out flashes and stuns to push enemies. With enough practice, you can Flash, stun, and blowout corners by yourself effortlessly.

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You will have to aim your flashes appropriately and you might need to change the Flashes each round so that enemies get surprise attacks.

Throwing them high might let you catch more enemies but it’s easier to dodge. Throwing them on the floor is also another technique but it won’t be able to catch many people. Once you learn all the angles to Flash, multiple positions, and putting them right on the corner you can get past the sites easily.

Valorant Breach tips

These are all the things to know about Breach in Valorant and his effective attack abilities That you can use accordingly in your gameplay by planning your strategy.

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