Categories: Opinions

Vaping without the Risk: Nicotine-Free Vape

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When it comes to vaping, most of us started out, at least, doing so for the nicotine.  After all, nicotine is a highly addictive substance, both physically and mentally, and switching to vaping after years of being a cigarette smoker has helped many people finally quit tobacco once and for all.

But, as you may have noticed, more and more companies are producing nicotine-free vape pen and nicotine-free disposable vape products.  Maybe you’re wondering why a would carry no-nicotine vape products, until you consider the unique advantages that they offer.  Let’s explain, but first, we want to talk about whether or not nicotine-free vapes are actually safe.

Are Nicotine-Free Vapes Risky?

The good news is that there’s nothing risky about using vapes with no nicotine – at least no more than using any vaping product.  The only difference between juice and “regular” vape juice is that the former contains zero nicotine, or any other tobacco derivatives.  

“Regular” vape juice is made with 4 key ingredients: vegetable glycerin (VG), propylene glycol (PG), nicotine, and flavoring.  Non-nicotine vape juice simply excludes the nicotine and keeps all of the other ingredients as they would normally exist in an e-liquid formula.

So, how does this affect the actual vaping experience?  Well, people actually describe it favorably.  Without any nicotine, there’s no real harshness on the inhale, which is great for those who are a little more sensitive.  And, there’s no concern about taking in too much nicotine, which can lead to some unwanted, mild side effects, like dizziness, irritability, or anxiety.  

Also, many people swear that nicotine-free vaping products taste better.  And, that’s not surprising.  Nicotine is technically flavorless on its own, but nicotine extracts can carry trace levels of flavor molecules that come from the tobacco plant.  Besides that, nicotine typically dilutes the flavoring ingredients, which is why many people say that e-liquids made without nicotine are both bolder and cleaner in flavor, with many describing more complexity in the flavor profile as well.

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Lastly, nicotine-free vapes typically produce better clouds.  Nicotine has a way of thinning out an e-liquid formula, and what that does it thin out the clouds themselves.  Nicotine-free vape juices typically offer fluffier, denser, and more abundant clouds.  Keep in mind that the VG/PG ratio plays a role as well, as higher PG to VG ratios generally yield lower cloud production, as VG is a thickening agent.

So, what other advantages come with nicotine-free vaping?  For one thing, although nicotine alone isn’t considered a dangerous substance (that’s reserved for the hundreds of other toxins in cigarette tobacco), it is highly addictive.  And, like we said, vaping too much of it in a short period of time can cause nicotine poisoning – an ultimately harmless and short-lived, but unpleasant variety of side effects.  A lot of people out there love nicotine-free vapes because they were never addicted to nicotine in the first place, but still, were attracted to the idea of vaping because of the flavors and cloud-chasing capabilities.

Nicotine-free vapes are also great for anyone trying to wean themselves off of nicotine.  You can buy a vape with nicotine, and one without, and switch throughout the day to slowly work your way down to zero.  And, you can keep vaping nicotine-free vaping products after you’re no longer addicted to the nicotine, to keep on enjoying the act of vaping, if you so choose.

Where to Buy Nicotine-Free Vapes

If you’re interested in trying the best nicotine-free vape out there, first, let’s talk about the kind of vape that’s best.  We strongly recommend going with a , as disposables are very user-friendly, and come in a huge selection of flavors.  You won’t need to adjust any output levels or coils in order to accommodate the lack of nicotine, either, which is a huge plus.

At Vape Juice Depot, you’ll find a massive selection of no-nicotine disposable vape products, from only the most respected brands in the industry.  We have one of the largest varieties you’ll find anywhere, with loads upon loads of mouthwatering flavors to choose from.  We are always adding to our catalog, so you’ll never run out of new and exciting disposables to try, all while finding clear favorites that will satisfy all of your vaping needs.


Nicotine-free disposable vapes are popping up everywhere, and now you know why.  They come with a lot of advantages, and we’ve got only the best of the best options here at Vape Juice Depot.  This means that you’ll be able to satisfy your vaping cravings without taking in any addictive substances in the process.  Look through our selection today, where you’ll find your favorite brands and flavor profiles, to get exactly what you’re looking for at some of the best prices around. 

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