War of the Visions Tier List – April 2022

Here is our tier list for the Final Fantasy tactical RPG War of the Visions with the best units in the game rated and ranked according to their usability in the game.

The tactical RPG Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is based on the Final Fantasy Tactics series. War of the Visions contains 3D grid-based fighting and a large cast of characters to pick from, including some of the most well-known characters from previous Final Fantasy games. In addition to Story Quests, which tell the primary tale of War of the Visions, there are over 200 unique quests throughout World Quests and Event Quests, where you can obtain various resources.

The peak of tactical conflicts, depicted in three-dimensional terrains with varying altitudes. Attempt to win by applying different strategies for each combat. Beginners can play with ease thanks to the auto-battle and improved speed settings. Characters can make the difference between victory and defeat with special actions called Limit Bursts, which feature stunning displays and strong strikes, much like in previous FINAL FANTASY games! In CG animations, familiar Espers from the FINAL FANTASY series will appear, helping players with their great power.

War of the Visions Tier List

S Tier

Setia (Cost 100)9.8[Main job]Crystal Warrior (Tue)[Sub-job] Viking, Sniper
King Mont (Cost 100)9.8[Main job]Ark Road[Sub-job]Night blade, Ninja
Oberon (Cost 100)9.8[Main job]Young Purple Dragon King[Sub-job] Viking, Night blade
Cloud (Cost 90)9.8[Main job]Soldier (FFVIIR)[Sub-job] hunter, Night blade
Lanan (Cost 100)9.8[Main job]Crystal Warrior (Lightning) [Sub-job] Kotodama, Guru
Helena (Witch in Black) (Cost 100)9.8[Main job]Witch in black[Sub-job]Magic sword fighter, Arithmetician
Dean (Cost 100)9.8[Main job]Repentant Demon Swordfighter[Sub-job]Viking, Dragon Knight
Glacera (Dress Up)(Cost 100)9.7[Main job]Silver Wolf Princess[Sub-job] White mage, Scholar
Resume (Cost 100)9.7[Main job]Crystal Warrior (Wind)[Sub-job] Night blade, Dragon Knight
Kirfe (Swimsuit) (Cost 90)9.7[Main job]Battle ax[Sub-job] Soldier, Thief
Jedan (Cost 100)9.7[Main job]King of stag[Sub-job] Black mage, Red mage
Thalia (Valentine) (Cost 90)9.6[Main job]Airman[Sub-job] Time mage, Black mage
Gilgamesh (Cost 100)9.6[Main job]Those with wings[Sub-job] Time mage, Soldier
setia war of the visions

A Tier

2B (Cost80)9.6[Main job] YoRHa No. 2 type B[Sub-job] samurai, Fighter
Noctis (Cost 90)9.6[Main job] Prince of Lucis [Sub-job] Magic sword fighter, Ninja
Charlotte (Cost 90)9.6[Main job] Knight of the Holy Shield [Sub-job] Monk, Thief
Christmas Victor (Cost 80)9.6[Main job] Sniper [Sub-job] Double gunner, Paladin
Yuna (Cost 80)9.6[Main job] Spira Summoner [Sub-job] Green mage, Kotodama
Golbeza (Cost 90)9.6[Main job] Jet-black mage [Sub-job] Green mage, Scholar
Prompt (Cost 90)9.6[Main job] Royal Capital Guard Musketeer [Sub-job] Sniper, Assassin
Christmas Mashley (Cost 80)9.5[Main job] Dragon Knight [Sub-job] Viking, hunter
Vel Rick (Cost90)9.5[Main job]Night blade[Sub-job]FighterSoldier
Aaron (Cost 80)9.5[Main job] Legendary guard [Sub-job] Fighter, Soldier
Tifa (Cost 90)9.5[Main job] Monk (FFVIIR) [Sub-job] Ninja, Paladin
Liller Lilla (Halloween) (Cost70)9.5[Main job] Arithmetician [Sub-job] White mage, Ninja
Christmas Vinella (Cost 80)9.5[Main job] Fighter [Sub-job] Ninja, Magic sword fighter
Ruel (Cost 80)9.5[Main job] Scholar [Sub-job] Rune Night, Black mage
Farumu (Cost90)9.5[Main job] Ninja [Sub-job] samurai, hunter
charlotte wotvff
Charlotte – War of the Visions Tier List

B Tier

Garble (Cost 80)9.5[Main job] Airman [Sub-job] Kotodama, Red mage
Kiton (Cost 80)9.4[Main job] Ninja [Sub-job] Soldier, Time mage
Rairyu (Halloween) (Cost80)9.4[Main job] Rune Night [Sub-job] Black mage, Paladin
9S (Cost80)9.4[Main job] YoRHa No. 9 S type [Sub-job] Night blade, Viking
Federica (Cost 80)9.4[Main job] Gunner [Sub-job] Ninja, hunter
Moore (Cost 90)9.4[Main job] Kotodama [Sub-job] Red mage, Cleric
Aerith (Cost 90)9.4[Main job] White Mage (FFVIIR) [Sub-job] Time mage, Rune Night
Tiida (Cost 80)9.4[Main job] Aves Ace [Sub-job] Paladin, samurai
Lameiga(Cost 80)9.4[Main job] Fighter [Sub-job] samurai, Double gunner
Min-woo(Cost80)9.3[Main job] Guru [Sub-job] Cleric, Time mage
Lasswell (Cost 80)9.3[Main job] Knight of Gran Shelt [Sub-job] samurai, Dragon Knight
Gargus(Cost 80)9.3[Main job] Black mage [Sub-job] Kotodama, Green mage
Lucia(Cost 80)9.3[Main job] Double gunner [Sub-job] hunter, Monk
Muraga Fenneth (Cost 80)9.3[Main job] Barbarian King [Sub-job] Paladin, Ninja
Nivre (Cost 80)9.3[Main job] Sniper [Sub-job] Gunner, Time mage
Ildira (Cost 80)9.3[Main job] Arithmetician [Sub-job] Magic sword fighter, Black mage
Miranda (Cost 80)9.3[Main job] Red mage [Sub-job] Time mage, Paladin
El Siler (Swimsuit) (Cost90)9.3[Main job] Scholar [Sub-job] Paladin, Kotodama
Warrior of Light (Cost 80)9.3[Main job] Warrior of light [Sub-job] Magic sword fighter, Dragon Knight
Engel belt (Cost 70)9.3[Main job] Paladin [Sub-job] Night, Monk
Lucio (Cost 80)9.3[Main job] Faint light warrior [Sub-job] Monk, Paladin
Cain (Cost 80)9.3[Main job] Baron’s Dragoon [Sub-job] Viking, Paladin
Aranea (Cost90)9.2[Main job] Brigadier General of the Airmobile Operations Division [Sub-job] Dragon Knight, Fighter
Victor (Cost 70)9.2[Main job] Dragon Knight [Sub-job] Soldier, Thief
Ayaka (Cost 80)9.2[Main job] White mage [Sub-job] Time mage, Green mage
Federica (Halloween) (Cost90)9.2[Main job] Fencer [Sub-job] Dragon Knight, Ninja
Reiches (Cost 80)9.2[Main job] Magic swordsman [Sub-job] Rune Night, Black mage
Camillo (Cost 80)9.2[Main job] Dragon Knight [Sub-job] Sniper, Fighter
Remure (Cost 80)9.2[Main job] Time mage [Sub-job] Scholar, White mage
Vinera (Cost 80)9.2[Main job] Assassin [Sub-job] Thief, Double gunner
RuinStel (Cost 100)9.2[Main job] Knight of Ruin [Sub-job] samurai, Assassin
Rain (Cost 80)9.1[Main job] Knight of Gran Shelt [Sub-job] Red mage, Night
Rafale (Cost 80)9.1[Main job] Assassin [Sub-job] Magic swordsman, Sniper
Barrett (Cost 90)9.1[Main job] Gunner (FFVIIR) [Sub-job] Gunner, Fighter
Cowell (Cost 80)9.1[Main job] Sniper [Sub-job] Gunner, Night blade
Kirufe (Cost80)9.1[Main job] Magic Wandman [Sub-job] Magic sword fighter, White mage
Lilish (swimsuit) (Cost80)9.1[Main job] hunter [Sub-job] Double gunner, Paladin
Rob (Cost 80)9.1[Main job] samurai [Sub-job] Soldier, Spearman
war of the visions aerith

C Tier

Luasa (Cost 80)9[Main job] Double gunner [Sub-job] Gunner, Soldier
Mediena (Cost 80)9[Main job] Black mage [Sub-job] Green mage, Ninja
Rosa (Cost 80)9[Main job] Baron’s White Mage [Sub-job] White mageB, lack mage
Ieruma (Cost80)9[Main job] Viking [Sub-job] Night, Thief
Valouch (Cost 90)9[Main job] Magic swordsman [Sub-job] Kotodama, White mage
Verne (Cost 80)9[Main job] Spearman [Sub-job] Dragon Knight, Monk
Sekar (Cost80)9[Main job] Black mage [Sub-job] Magic Wandman, Time mage
Mashley (Cost 70)9[Main job] Cleric [Sub-job] Monk, Black mage
Ziza (Cost 80)9[Main job] Monk [Sub-job] Thief, Spearman
Lilish (Cost 60)9[Main job] Night [Sub-job] Soldier, hunter
Shiruma (Cost60)8.9[Main job] Red mage [Sub-job] Kotodama, Green mage
Fina (Cost 60)8.9[Main job] Lapis White Mage [Sub-job] Gunner, Cleric
Dario (Cost 60)8.8[Main job] Magic swordfighter [Sub-job] Ninja, Paladin
Glacera (Cost 80)8.7[Main job] Valkyrie [Sub-job] Monk, Ninja
Shuteru (Cost80)8.7[Main job] Soldier [Sub-job] Dragon Knight, Ninja
Nashia (Cost50)8.7[Main job] Paladin [Sub-job] White mage, Dragon Knight
Coulis (Cost 50)8.7[Main job] hunter [Sub-job] Dragon Knight Green mage
Mont (Cost 50)8.7[Main job] Load [Sub-job] Paladin, Night
Sarria (Cost65)8.7[Main job] Black mage [Sub-job] White mage, Ninja
Elde (Cost 80)8.6[Main job] Spearman [Sub-job] Monk, samurai
Kiton (swimsuit) (Cost80)8.6[Main job] Kotodama [Sub-job] Rune Night, Ninja
Agrias (Cost 80)8.6[Main job] Holy Night [Sub-job] Paladin, Cleric
Orurandu (Cost80)8.6[Main job] Kensei [Sub-job] samurai, Night
Sakura (Cost 70)8.6[Main job] Sage of Missidia [Sub-job] Red mage, Kotodama
El Sirail (Cost 80)8.6[Main job] Night blade [Sub-job] Magic sword fighter, Double gunner
Tyrrell(Cost 50)8.6[Main job] Night [Sub-job] Viking, Spearman
Lardeau (Cost 80)8.5[Main job] Fighter [Sub-job] Paladin, Thief
Oldor (Cost 80)8.5[Main job] Soldier [Sub-job] Viking, Assassin
Cecil (Cost 80)8.5[Main job] Paladin of the moon [Sub-job] Soldier, Monk
Whisper (Cost 70)8.5[Main job] Night [Sub-job] samurai, Magic sword fighter
Adrad (Cost 60)8.5[Main job] Red mage [Sub-job] Green mage, White mage
Revival (Cost 50)8.5[Main job] Black mage [Sub-job] Cleric, Arithmetician
Oh (Cost 60)8.5[Main job] samurai [Sub-job] Warrior, Ninja
Irene (Cost 70)8.4[Main job] Spearman [Sub-job] Warrior, Soldier
Chel (Cost 50)8.4[Main job] Green mage [Sub-job] Time mage, Thief
Ravies (Cost 60)8.4[Main job] Paladin [Sub-job] Thief, samurai
Howlett (Cost 80)8.3[Main job] Rune Night [Sub-job] Red mage, White mage
Ramada (Cost 60)8.3[Main job] Spearman [Sub-job] Magic sword fighter, Thief
Craith (Cost 50)8.3[Main job] Gunner [Sub-job] Viking, Sniper
Titus (Cost 60)8.3[Main job] Paladin [Sub-job] Red mage, Viking
Phoebe (Cost 40)8.3[Main job] Time mage [Sub-job] Dragon Knight, White mage
Alim (Cost 65)8.2.[Main job] Dragon Knight [Sub-job] Assassin, Double gunner
Marial (Cost 60)8.2.[Main job] Magic sword fighter [Sub-job] Arithmetician, Thief
war of the visions agrias

D Tier

Christmas Ramada (Cost 80)8.1[Main job] Soldier [Sub-job] Ninja, Monk
El Shura (Cost 60)8.1[Main job] Time mage [Sub-job] Rune Night, White mage
Shadow Links (Cost 60)8.1[Main job] Ninja [Sub-job] Dragon Knight, samurai
Nia (Cost 40)8.1[Main job] White mage [Sub-job] Cleric, Red mage
Murmur (Cost40)8.1[Main job] Red mage [Sub-job] Black mage, Spearman
Simour (Cost 50)8.0[Main job] samurai [Sub-job] Viking, Thief
Dorando (Cost50)8.0[Main job] Viking [Sub-job] Monk, Gunner
Prayer (Cost 50)7.9[Main job] White mage [Sub-job] Green mage, Spearman
Zazan (Cost 20)7.9[Main job] Warrior [Sub-job] Night, Thief
Loreira (Cost 60)7.8[Main job] hunter [Sub-job] Viking, Night
Etoa (Cost 50)7.8[Main job] Monk [Sub-job] Cleric, Night
Merrilluk (Cost 60)7.8[Main job] Monk [Sub-job] Night, Green mage
Rairyuu (Cost60)7.8[Main job] Gunner [Sub-job] Thief, Red mage
Severo (Cost 40)7.8[Main job] Black mage [Sub-job] Monk, Red mage
Ramza (Cost 80)7.6[Main job] Apprentice warrior [Sub-job] Magic sword fighter, Ninja
Helena (Cost 50)7.6[Main job] Green mage [Sub-job] Time mage, White mage
Miche (Cost 40)7.6[Main job] Black mage [Sub-job] Thief, hunter
Visutoraru (Cost50)7.5 [Main job] Thief [Sub-job] Red mage, Soldier
Valide (Cost 40)7.5 [Main job] Green mage [Sub-job] Red mage, White mage
Beiro (Cost 40)7.5 [Main job] Night [Sub-job] Warrior, Paladin
Uni (Cost 40)7.5 [Main job] hunter [Sub-job] Black mage, Magic sword fighter
Mia(Cost 40)7.5 [Main job] Thief [Sub-job] Cleric, Magic sword fighter
Rirell Rila (Cost 40)7.4.[Main job] Magic sword fighter [Sub-job] Night, White mage
Delita (Cost80)7.3[Main job] Apprentice warrior [Sub-job] Soldier, Paladin
Socia (Cost 40)7.3[Main job] Dragon Knight [Sub-job] Warrior, hunter
Thunk Red (Cost100)7.2[Main job] Gun breaker [Sub-job] Dragon Knight, Red mage
Shuzelt (Cost 60)7.2[Main job] Soldier [Sub-job] Night, hunter
Sajesu (Cost40)7.2[Main job] Spearman [Sub-job] Cleric, Paladin
Reart (Cost 40)7.2[Main job] hunter [Sub-job] Spearman, White mage
Yashtra (Cost 50)7.1[Main job] witch [Sub-job] White mage, Green mage
Gaff Galion (Cost 50)7.1[Main job] dark Knight [Sub-job] Warrior, Monk
Kadia (Cost 50)7.0[Main job] Cleric [Sub-job] White mage, Magic sword fighter
Mustadio (Cost 60)7.0[Main job] Mechanic [Sub-job] hunter, Thief
Lorenzo (Cost 60)7.0 [Main job] Dragon Knight [Sub-job] Spearman, Time mage
Vadzim (Cost40)7.0 [Main job] Thief [Sub-job], Warrior, samurai
Marguerite (Cost 60)6.5 [Main job] Time mage [Sub-job] Black mage, Red mage

This was our War of the Visions Tier List. You can find all the characters in the game rated and ranked according to their strength and usability in the game. You can download the game from the App Store and the Google Play Store.

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