
Weird Tips and Tricks to Climb Ranks with Astra Valorant

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The cosmic controller of Valorant, Astra, brings a special set of abilities that are geared toward using the power of the cosmos to change the fight. But you need more than just simple knowledge to really do well with Astra and move up the ranks. Do not worry, fellow agents.

We have found some strange and wonderful Astra Valorant tips and tricks that will help you rule like never before. Let’s learn more about Astra’s cosmic secrets and take your game to a whole new level!

Read more: 8 tips to help you increase your rank in Valorant

1. Celestial Bodies: How to Get the Most Out of Astra’s Stars

Astra Valorant Stars

The “Gravity Well” and “Nova Pulse” abilities of Astra Valorant are based on her stellar bodies. Are you making the most of these abilities? Find out how to carefully place Astra’s stars to stop the enemy from moving and give your team chances to attack.

Learn how to use Gravity Well and Nova Pulse together to control large groups of enemies quickly and effectively. You can control the battlefield and change the fabric of reality to your will if you learn how to control celestial things.

Read more: Weird Tips and Tricks to Climb Ranks with Sage Valorant

2. Nebula Nooks: Are There Hidden Spots for Astra’s Smoke?

Astra’s Smoke

Astra’s “Nebula” ability lets her set up smokescreens that block your view. But did you know that there are secret spots on each map where you can make them work even better? Find out how to use Nebula nooks to surprise your enemies and get the upper hand in battle. You can win a fight by learning the art of Nebula placement. This can be done by blocking off lines of sight or setting up sneaky plays.

3. Astral Drift: How to Make the Most of Astra’s Worldwide Presence

“Astral Drift,” Astra’s ultimate ability, lets her send herself anywhere on the map through the stars. But are you making the most of it? Learn how to position yourself carefully in Astral Drift to get useful information about how the enemy is moving and set up plays that can change the game for your team.

Mastering the art of Astral Drift can make you an unbeatable force on the battlefield, whether you’re scouting out enemy areas or shocking opponents with unexpected flanks.

4. Cosmic Rifts: How to Make Horrifying Combinations of Rifts?

Astra’s Ult

The “Gravity Well” and “Nova Pulse” abilities of Astra Valorant can be used together to make powerful rifts that break up enemy groups and guarantee kills. Learn how to place Cosmic Rifts in a way that controls the flow of fight and traps your enemies.

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Becoming good at rift combos can help you beat enemies with Astra, whether it’s by catching them in Gravity Well and then hitting them with Nova Pulse or by blocking enemy pushes with Cosmic Rifts.

Read more: Top Valorant One Way Smokes You Need to Know on Every Map

5. Cosmic Communication: How to Get Your Team to Work Together with Astra Valorant?

It works best for Astra’s abilities to work with your team’s. Learn how to talk to your friends clearly so that you can use Astra’s cosmic skills to plan plays and make sure everyone is on the same page.

To move up the ranks with Astra Valorant, you need to learn how to communicate with the stars. This includes timing your abilities with your team’s pushes and using Astral Drift to look for possible threats.


That Astra is a cosmic controller doesn’t mean you can’t use her full power and rise through the ranks like never before if you know what to do.

So, fellow agents, go out into the world and use the power of the universe to take over the fight with Astra by your side. Having these strange and wonderful Astra Valorant tips at your disposal means that you can do anything.

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Omer Khan

I am a writer who informs readers by combining my love of storytelling. Turning button mashing into word smashing – because every virtual adventure deserves an epic tale.

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