What are the changes in the new NBA foul rule?

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Let us know more about the trending new NBA foul rule

While Stephen Curry, the star point guard and sharpshooter for the Golden State Warriors is still not sure about the ‘new’ changes in the NBA foul rule, his coach Steve Kerr certainly has a more positive outlook towards it. He feels it was long overdue and most sports critics and even fans would agree. So, let’s see what these new changes that have everyone riled up are.

Apart from the other minor changes, the most notable change for the 2021-22 NBA season is the new NBA foul rule. 

Stephen Curry tried to draw a foul on Nassir Little, to no avail. (Craig Mitchelldyer/AP Images)

What’s so notable about the new NBA foul rule?

Well, the NBA referees would certainly be blowing off the whistle a lot lesser, which in turn increases the intensity of the game much more.

Players no matter which strata, often pull out cheap and abrupt tricks to draw out fouls from opposing players which is not surprising at all. One of the dominant moves used by even prominent players including Curry, James Harden, and Trae Young, is where they launch themselves at a weird angle where the defensive player with no fault of their own, can’t help but cause the offensive player to fall.

These pump fakes would have drawn three free throws easily had it been under the previous rule, but not anymore and the basketball coaches are elated about it. This is not how you play basketball as popular coach Steve Nash had once pointed out, and the NBA has finally taken active steps to help the case.

The NBA has further promised that they aim to not eliminate every pump fake but the ones of cheap play, for if one defensive or offensive, is placed at a disadvantage through a good play of their own, then a foul will be called and the referees will not fail to comply.

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To further help the new NBA rule, it has also been established if the offensive player tends to launch themselves where there is marginal contact with the defensive player, there will be a no foul call. But in case this contact is to an exaggerated level, the player will be targeted to an offensive player.

Is the new NBA foul rule helping?

It is believed this will level out the playing field for both teams and encourage healthy competition. This rule is already in action and most of us are extremely glad that it is. As Stephen Curry tries to draw the three-point foul by launching himself at an awkward angle, it doesn’t get him is goal three free throws, but it does get him to the headlines and the Twitter crowd going, “Not this year”. Although Curry is not the worst offender of this scenario, and other players are also getting to experience this active change.

Another victim of this new NBA foul rule is James Harden. Harden is famous for making awkward contact and drawing fouls. But clearly, this strategy is not working this year. He is struggling massively with his performance. To help himself and the Brooklyn Nets, Harden needs to adapt fast and effectively. Meanwhile, Damian Lillard is also struggling to adapt and has been hugely ineffective till now.

How are the fans reacting to the new NBA foul rule?

Fans are overwhelmed with this new foul rule and are in tune for the fresh new 90s feeling when the game was still anew and people were still struggling and winning games with only good play and not cheap shots such as these which seems to affect the anticipation and satisfaction of this exciting game. And it seems as if even Curry has something positive to say about this rule, as he feels the spirit of the game, the aim is to shoot the basket not drawing a foul, which seems to have affected the players’ gameplay.

Luckily NBA has put an end to that so that we can all enjoy the fresh competitive spirits and basketball, to its fullest.

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