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What did Robert Sarver say that led to getting fined and suspended by the NBA?

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(Image Credits – Sports Exclusive)

Understanding the Sarver Saga

After an investigation revealed “workplace misconduct and organisational deficiencies,” the NBA suspended and fined Phoenix Suns and Mercury owner Robert Sarver for one year and fined him $10 million.

The NBA’s investigation findings came nearly a year after the league asked a law firm to look into allegations that Sarver had a history of racist, misogynistic, and hostile incidents during his nearly two-decade tenure as general manager.

The NBA said in a statement on Tuesday that the report was based on interviews with 320 people, including current and former employees who worked for both teams while Sarver was managing partner, as well as more than 80,000 documents and materials such as emails, text messages, and videos.

The NBA stated that Sarver “engaged in conduct that clearly violated common workplace standards, as reflected in team and League rules and policies.”

“This conduct included racially insensitive language; unequal treatment of female employees; sex-related statements and conduct; and harsh treatment of employees that on occasion constituted bullying,” the report continued.

Reports of Serious Misconducts

ESPN first reported the allegations against Sarver in November 2021, after the network stated that it spoke with dozens of current and former team employees for its story, including some who detailed inappropriate behaviour by Sarver. Initially, he denied or disputed most of the allegations through his legal team.

Sarver is not permitted to be present at any NBA or WNBA team facility, including any office, arena, or practise facility; attend or participate in any NBA or WNBA event or activity, including games, practises, or business partner activity; represent the Suns or Mercury in any public or private capacity; or have any involvement with the Suns or Mercury’s business or basketball operations, according to the NBA, which stated on Tuesday.

The NBA said it would donate the $10 million fine — the maximum allowed by NBA rules — to “organisations committed to addressing race and gender-based issues in and outside the workplace.”

“The statements and conduct described in the independent investigation’s findings are troubling and disappointing,” said NBA Commissioner Adam Silver. “We believe the outcome is correct, taking into account all of the facts, circumstances, and context revealed by the 18-year investigation, as well as our commitment to upholding proper standards in NBA workplaces.”

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During his suspension, Sarver will also be required to complete a training programme “focused on respect and appropriate workplace behaviour,” according to the NBA.

The league will impose a series of workplace improvements on the Suns and Mercury, including the hiring of outside firms to “focus on fostering a diverse, inclusive, and respectful workplace.”

Employees of those organisations will be surveyed anonymously and regularly to ensure that appropriate workplace culture exists. Any instances or allegations of significant employee misconduct must be immediately reported to the NBA and WNBA.

All of these conditions will remain in effect for three years.

Sarver and the Suns and Mercury “fully cooperated with the investigation,” according to the league.

The NBA Statement by Adam Silver

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“Regardless of position, power or intent, we all need to recognize the corrosive and hurtful impact of racially insensitive and demeaning language and behavior, On behalf of the entire NBA, I apologize to all of those impacted by the misconduct outlined in the investigators’ report. We must do better.”

Adam Silver

Suns Legacy Partners, which manages and operates the Suns and Mercury, stated in a statement that it is committed to creating “a safe, respectful, and inclusive work environment.” According to the report, many of the issues discovered within the organisation were historical and had been addressed in recent years.

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