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Online therapy services have been on the rise in recent years and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down

The current global scenario has been beneficial to many online businesses for obvious reasons.

People have had to restrict their travel over the past 12 months or so as a pandemic has hit most countries.

However, this has led to the rise of online services which range from basic grocery deliveries to medical help.

have also seen a surge in recent months and the American Psychiatry Association surveyed its members and the results were incredible (h/t Time).

The rise in these services grew at a staggering rate. Earlier 63.6% didn’t use virtual sessions at all but that number came crashing down to 1.9% after recent events.

Of course, the pandemic isn’t the only reason for the grown in online therapy services and it seems this method of reaching out to patients is here to stay.

Convenient and always available

While a virtual therapy session doesn’t have the same atmosphere as a face-to-face meeting in the therapist’s room, it does have a lot of positives.

For one, sessions last for as long as they are to be. The need to travel long distances is a thing of the past and this is a benefit to those who live far away from their therapists.

Also, the increase in online services for therapy ensure that anyone with a decent internet connection is provided the help they need.

Convenience is another factor that has helped the growth of such services. People can take up an online session from anywhere possible. Any room in a home can be the safe spot to speak with the therapist and that provides their own comfort, which isn’t always the case when taking up the session in a therapy room.

Sessions can also take place throughout the day, permitted that both parties are alright with it. This is a boon for those needing emergency sessions. Gone is the requirement for travel and a session can be set up at any hour of the day, again, if both parties are fine with it.

Limitations of online services

For all the positives of using online therapy services, there are a few hurdles along the way.

The biggest one is the safe spot that many clients need. The therapy room can be a safe place and sometimes the atmosphere at home isn’t conducive for a session.

That safe zone being missed is a bit of a problem, and therapists need to overcome that. Further, the human connect is often missing when it comes to online sessions.

Technical limitations are an issue that everyone cannot overcome. Mobile phone cameras have certainly improved over the last decade and most of these sessions take place via those devices.

However, a slow internet connection can lead to frustration building on both sides. Therapists often catch physical cues from their clients in person, something that might be missed out online.

Another problem arising is group sessions. All of the above issues remain and then logging in with three people or more can lead to a lot of problems.

Overcoming the hurdles

While online services have their pros and cons, most of the limitations can be overcome. Better internet connections and the advancement of technology should solve most of the issues.

The only problem is the intimate feeling that a one-on-one face-to-face session has. However, that is a small price to pay for all the positives involved with online sessions.

Online therapy sessions might not have been the norm a couple of years ago, but things have changed drastically since. There is no stopping these services and they will only grow further in the coming years.