Why did Leonardo DiCaprio testify in court over a money laundering case?

On Monday morning, Leonardo DiCaprio appeared in court as a witness in a case involving the bribery, and international money laundering of a well-known rap musician.

A founding member of the renowned 199s hip-hop group The Fugees, Prakazrel “Pras” Michel, is suspected of using straw donors to transfer money to Barak Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign from a fugitive Malaysian financier. Five years later, according to the prosecution, he allegedly attempted to obstruct the Trump administration probe against the same financier.

Low Taek Jho, also referred to as Jho Low, is at the center of the investigation. He is accused of orchestrating a global bribery and money laundering scam that defrauded Malaysia’s IMDB state investment fund of billions.

Due to his long-term friendship with Low, one of the main backers of the film “The Wolf of Wall Street”, DiCaprio is connected to the case. While being on the run, Low has remained innocent.

The accusations state that Michel essentially served as a conduit for Low’s stolen millions and his efforts to sway the American government. According to the prosecution, between June and November 2012, allegedly ordered the transfer of more than $21.6 million from foreign businesses to Michel’s accounts to finance the 2012 presidential race.

According to the indictment, Michel allegedly paid roughly 20 conduits and straw donors so they could make the gifts in their names and hide the true source of the funds. At a birthday celebration in Las Vegas in 2010, DiCaprio said in court that he met Low and became friends with him. He was described as a powerful businessman with several contacts in Abu Dhabi and Malaysia by the man.

Leonardo DiCaprio on the stand over the Money Laundering case

On the witness stand, the 48-year-old Oscar winner answered inquiries quietly. Occasionally citing a hazy recall for certain facts and dates. DiCaprio claimed that in addition to his friendship with Low, he had known Michel since some time in the 1990s when they first met backstage at a Fugees event.

Why did Leonardo DiCaprio testify in court over a money laundering case?
Why did Leonardo DiCaprio testify in court over a money laundering case?

Low was well-known for throwing extravagant parties. A star-studded guest list and organizing group trips on his private plane to events like the World Cup in Brazil.

Leonardo DiCaprio recalled one trip where he traveled to Australia for New Year’s Eve celebrations. Additionally, to Las Vegas for a second celebration the following day. According to DiCaprio, Michel was there on a few of these journeys.

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