
Why Sports Students Can Influence Social Issues in the USA

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While schools and businesses are being shut down temporarily due to an increase in COVID-19 cases around the world, the one thing that has managed to keep people united in sport. Most international sports leagues have started returning to stadiums in the last summer as stakeholders come up with new measures to address the challenging health issues created by the pandemic. Athletes and sports organizations have been taking heightened roles by leveraging platforms to discuss social justice issues in the USA. As medical experts continue working on manufacturing and distributing COVID-19 vaccines, how can sports help students influence social issues in the US?

Driving societal changes in the USA

Apart from the physical health benefits, sports can be a tool for enhancing tolerance, wellbeing, lessening the cultural divide, and raising awareness. As sports return and stakeholders open various facilities across the nation, you should expect to see an improvement in the mental health of athletes and sports fans who find themselves at a higher risk of health decline due to isolation. Sports have been linked to boosting societal bonds and self-esteem for young generations.

Essay samples about social issue

Sports play an important role in raising and addressing awareness of key issues in society. The previous year has not been great for economic and social justice. And this has led to new essay conversations in learning institutions. Students can read free essay issues surrounding inequalities on and learn more about the duty of businesses, government, and influential stakeholders in dealing with social issues, economic empowerment and  justice.

For instance, NBA has established a coalition of social justice, a board of coaches, players, and governors to promote social engagement, police reform, voting, and criminal justice. The jerseys that players wore had statements on social justice to promote the popular movement – Black Lives Matter. The teams also collaborated with local election officers to convert stadiums into voting centers with safety measures in place during the previous presidential elections.

The League also partnered with the National Basketball Players Association and committed $300 million to establish a foundation that will promote employment, skill development, and career progression among the African American youth in Canada and the United States.

Icons and societal changes

Icons in the world of sports have also played an important role in demonstrating sportsmanship and showcasing model behavior. It started with Michael Jordan back in the 90s who encouraged athleticism among young basketball fans. Mo Salah from Liverpool also came up with the Salah effect that has boosted the cultural acceptance of Islam across the world. Athletes can promote tolerance and diversity by helping communities that are dealing with cultural marginalization.

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For instance, the popular England football striker, Marcus Rashford introduced a campaign during lockdown to feed more than one million children who were vulnerable due to their inability to get free meals thanks to the temporary closure of schools.

Sport is one of the best solutions for tackling cultural barriers. The Olympic Committee has been taking steps towards inclusion and tolerance. The committee opened a community for the LGBTQ as part of the ongoing plans for the Tokyo Olympics. At the same time, Manchester United continues taking strides to minimize cultural barriers in the workplace by partnering with national charities and LGBTQ communities based in the UK to promote training programs and an inclusive work environment for its employees.

Creating social justice targets

International sports events have played a key role in building a peace and reconciliation role that has promoted cohesion around the world. Back in 2018, athletes from North Korea, South Korea, and Winter Olympics have marched under one flag to tender peace between nations. Developed nations such as the United Arab Emirates have been attempting to do this by coming up with a social cohesion index as part of its vision this year.


There are a lot of serious social issue cases facing people in the United States and other parts of the world. There are millions of people who don’t have enough food, good shelter, and money to buy basic wants. While coping skills are essential in the management of stress in our modern world, people need to use other avenues to deal with social issues. Sports has been a great avenue that has influenced social issues for several years now. When sports icons and students come together, they can change the world by dealing with social issues such as racism and LGBTQ discrimination. What are you going to start doing today to influence social issues in your area of residence?

Author Bio:

James Collins is an exceptional writer and editor. He enjoys helping young adults address common issues in society to achieve their goals. He is passionate about meeting new people, singing, and drawing.

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