
5 changes that we might witness in the TV-14 era of WWE

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WWE’s PG Era officially will be coming to an end and will mark the beginning of the TV-14 era. Here are the 5 changes that we might witness

Monday Night Raw will be changing to a TV-14 product shortly which will mark the end of the PG Era. However, it was earlier reported that PG-Era will be concluded on July 18. However, Andrew Zarian of the Mat Men Podcast claimed that a memo on the USA Network was sent out prematurely. 

WWE Raw will be officially changing to a TV-14 rating (Ringside News)

“There was a memo within USA Network that went out this morning regarding WWE Raw changing to TV-14 on July 18th. That was sent out prematurely and the day was not finalised.”

Many fans are hoping that this change should occur soon as this decision will bring about some major changes in the company. Let us look at the 5 changes that we might witness in the TV-14 era of WWE

5. Return of Highly violent and overly sexualized content

The PG-Era marked the complete end of acts like blading, chair shots to the head, and display of blood. But now with the return of the TV-14 era, many fans hope that the company will be bringing back the more violent content of the Attitude and the Ruthless Aggression Era. 

There are also some speculations that there can be more sexualized content shown on TV. As when the company showed Edge and Lita’s live sex celebration. However, with the allegations against Vince McMahon going around this will take time to come in.

Edge and Lita were involved in sexual gimmicks in WWE (Sportz Wiki)

These few changes we might witness but one thing is for sure it will take time to adapt and come in.

4. Allow creative Freedom in promos and matches

During the PG-Era the promos of the wrestlers were controlled too much which ended up taking away from the message that they are trying to deliver. Now with the TV-14, the company can push things further with promos of wrestlers. 

Allowing more creative freedom in promos for Superstars (First Sportz)

One of the biggest problems that fans have with WWE is that the wrestlers have no creative freedom while on some rival companies like AEW the wrestlers were given a lot of freedom. With this change, we can expect wrestlers to get creative freedom. 

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3. Become more serious

One of the problems during the PG Era was that the company became quite funny and goofy whether it is with poor storylines or 24/7 Championship segments. These senseless angles have turned a lot of fans away from WWE.

WWE 24/7 Championship gimmicks were not liked by most fans (Bleacher Report)

With this TV-14 rating coming in we can expect that the company will be becoming more serious once again which will give the fans a chance to return.

2. Giving more television time to young superstars

WWE was praised a lot during their Attitude Era or Ruthless Aggression Era because they were brilliant at pushing the boundaries and giving more television time to young superstars to make some impact, which made them always on top of their trends.

Young WWE Superstars might get more television time in WWE (WWE)

The likes of young John Cena making a big impact or even superstars like Hurricane going up against The Rock and Stone Cold all made a big impact because of that. Right now there were a lot of superstars raring to make a mark in the company and this is the right opportunity for them.

1. Have a difference between Raw and SmackDown

At this moment it has been reported that only RAW will be changing to TV-14 which means that SmackDown is likely to stay as a PG product. This good turn out to be a good move as it will give the company to have completely different brands that will feel completely different.

Two completely distinctive brands of the company (Wrestleview)

This will allow the RAW to be a little more creative as it has an extra hour to be dealing with and also gave more time and impact to RAW superstars. 

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