Batista offers reward for dog abuser and adopts pet

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Batista offers $5000 reward for information leading to dog abuser

The WWE wrestler turned actor Batista is in a look out for a person in Florida who abused a puppy. The puppy was a three month old pit bull who was found at a cemetery eating trash in Tampa, Florida. The actor has since adopted the dog.

Rescued Dog (Batista’s Instagram)

However, Batista is in no mood to to let the harm done to her be forgotten. The dog was found with a chain embedded in her neck and an awful wound. As reported by Huffpost, the rescuers had to perform an emergency surgery to remove the chain from the dog’s body.

Rescued Dog (Batista’s Instagram)

Upon being aware of the situation, Batista took to his Instagram where he said:

“I will personally hand $5000 cash to the person who gives information leading to the arrest and conviction of the sick piece of shit responsible for this”

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Is the abuser found?

It was later revealed by the actor himself that they have not yet found the person who did horrifying things to the dog. Last week Batista announced that he has adopted the dog and named her Penny.

Batista has adopted the dog (Instagram)

Penny is now a member of Batista’s family which also has two other dogs. Maggie and Ollie, both of which are adopted as well. Batista is very vocal about the animal abuse and works with SafeK9 Tampa, that provide trainings to the dogs and also with Tampa Bay Humane Society.

It is amazing to see that a celebrity of his stature is vocal about animal abuse. And promotes adoption of abused animals. The search for the person who did this is still on and we can hope that he can be found soon.

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Shivam Khatwani

Writer by the day, dreamer by the night.

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Tags: Batista