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Christian puts Edge on Canadian wrestling Mt Rushmore with three other big names

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Christian puts Edge on his Canadian wrestle Mt Rushmore and names three other usual suspects

Canada has provided a big number of world-class pro wrestlers to the sport in the past few decades, with most of them making a big name for themselves on WWE.

Christian is, of course, Canadian himself and so is his former tag team partner and real-life friend, Edge. The two have been seemingly inseparable for the past 2 decades.

Despite both fighting in rival wrestling promotions, the love they have for each other hasn’t reduced one bit.

Edge faced Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 37. (WWE)

So when Christian was asked on ET Canada to put 4 faces on the Canadian wrestling Mt Rushmore, it was no surprised that he named Adam Copeland, AKA Edge.

But that is on merit, considering Edge’s gold-laden history with WWE that has seen him conquer title after title.

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Christian puts Edge with Owen Hart, Bret Hard, and Trish Stratus on his wrestling Mt Rushmore

‘Captain Charisma’ then went on to add three names, all of which everyone probably already saw coming; Bret Hart, Trish Stratus, and Owen Hart.

Trish Stratus is a WWE icon. (imago Images)

“OK, so man… Bret Hart has to be up there, obviously, I would put Edge on that. I think we can put Trish Stratus on there. She’s a Canadian icon as far as wrestling goes. And then last I’m going to put Owen Hart on there just because I love him… I think other people would expect me to put myself on there.”

Not really, Christian, we saw your modesty coming from a mile away. As for the names on there, all of them are Hall of Famers apart from Owen, whose wife prohibits WWE from entering his name into what she calls a ‘fake entity‘.

Perhaps some would argue that Chris Jericho or Roddy ‘Rowdy’ Piper could get a shoutout for a spot on there.

But then again, it’s a subjective opinion and it would be foolish to challenge The Hart Dynasty’s impact on pro wrestling in the first place. Bret and Owen came to form a big part of the stable are one of the all-time greats in the sport.

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Aniket Rai

An ordinary football fan, doing what he loves.

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Tags: Edge