“I used to have a recurring nightmare about Kane, and I don’t know why” – Christian

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Christian recalls having had terrifying nightmares about “The Big Red Machine” and we know the feeling.

On WWE Story Time, Christian spoke about how he had frightening nightmares of Kane choke slamming him. If you are a late 80’s to early 90’s kid, you ought to have had nightmares of Kane choke slamming you, or just appearing in front of you, to give you a hard time walking alone in the dark.

Kane’s character was so terrifying yet awesome that we always wanted more of it. Irrespective of him, giving us a hard time to sleep at night.

Christian said, “I used to have a recurring nightmare about Kane, and I don’t know why. I never met him. The first one was before I got to WWE, and Edge was here. I was backstage at Raw, and we were walking down the hallway, and Kane threw a clothesline at me, and I ducked it.

Kane is one of the greatest WWE stars of all-time (WWE)

He would go on to add, “He was not very happy that I ducked the clothesline, so he chased me out into the parking lot, where I slid underneath a car. He couldn’t get me from underneath the car, and all I see is this hand and his mask, and he’s going ‘URRRGHHH, URGGGH,’ and I’m trying to kick him away, I’m trying to kick him away. That is the end of that one, and it’s kind of anti-climatic.”

Christian surely had a rough time back then but this is just his first nightmare. There’s a second one as well which he would go on to share:

Christian resumed, “The second dream I had of him, I was at my grandmother’s house, and I walked out onto the front porch, and Kane was there. He grunted something at me, and I didn’t understand what he said.

So I said, ‘Excuse me,’ and he got very mad at this and started to chase me. So I take off running, and he’s chasing me I’m obviously faster than Kane, Come on! He’s grunting, and he can’t catch me, so I get to the end of the block, and I turn around realizing he’s not there, and I’m like, ‘Oh man, he finally gave up!”

I turn around, and he’s standing right there in front of me. So I go to punch him. He catches my arm and rips my arm off, and he starts to beat me with my own arm! My only shot at this is to kick his knee out. So I see my opening, I take my shot, I completely whiff it, and I hit him in the balls. He screamed like a young schoolgirl, I run away, and he continued to chase me as I run away, and that’s the end of that dream.

Pretty detailed stuff from Captain Charisma and we can feel what he went through. Kane’s character was larger than life but was written so well that we could connect with ease. Got to give the man behind the mask, Glenn Jacobs a lot of credit too. He was so comprehensively eerie at all times.

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“I don’t like Christian, I’ve never liked Christian.” – Kane

We saw how much Christian feared the devil’s favourite demon but Kane isn’t too fond of Christian either. Christian and Kane have known each other since 1998. Almost 25 years, and they don’t have too many pictures together.

Kane explained on his appearance at a WWE photoshoot: “I don’t like Christian, I’ve never liked Christian. One time I was walking through the Denver airport and I saw Christian, and we talked a little bit, and he was like, ‘Have you had anything to eat?’ And I’m like, ‘Yeah, I just had a burrito,’ and he punches me in the stomach and then just runs away. That is Christian. So anytime I had the opportunity to chokeslam Christian I took advantage of it.”

There was another instance that Christian himself shared on Edge and Christian’s podcast, when Kane came as a guest:

We were at a live event, so it was a bit more relaxed than being on TV. I walk back, and I walked into this dark locker room, and Glenn was sleeping on the floor in his Kane outfit. So I go over, and I stand over him, and he’s on the ground, and his eyes are closed, and he’s in this really peaceful moment. I had this bottle of water, and I have no clue why I did it, I just dumped some of the water on his face.

Christian continued, “His eyes popped open, and I have never seen him so mad! It scared the shit out of me, so I started to run. All of a sudden, there was this chair by him. He flung this chair across the room, and I’m doing the high step, and this chair is tumbling behind me. I waited a few minutes, and I hid until he calmed down.”

When I came back, he starts apologizing to me. That’s how nice Glenn is. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to throw the chair at you.” The 48-year old concluded.

Well, we knew Christian likes to have a bit of fun, but this incident shared by Kane is an interesting revelation indeed. Christian’s playfulness might have gotten him into trouble, if he were to face Kane in a street fight that night.

There’s no denying the fact that both the superstars have given us innumerous great matches. Both are absolute legends of the wrestling industry. Kane was inducted into the Hall of Fame last year. Christian will surely find himself in the Hall of Fame in a few years’ time.

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