Natalya feels she & Shayna Baszler are being “victimized” by Boss N’ Glow

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Natalya and Shayna Baszler are the No. 1 contenders for the Women’s Tag Team Championships currently held by Sasha Banks and Naomi.

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Naomi faced Shayna Baszler last week on SmackDown. The former two-time SmackDown Women’s Champion won the match with a roll-up. Natalya was at ringside and so was Banks. After the match had ended, Natalya entered the ring and attacked Naomi from behind. The Boss made the momentary save but was soon locked up in a Sharpshooter by the B.O.A.T. while Baszler stomped at Naomi’s bicep.

This week on SmackDown, Banks went head-to-head against Baszler. In a closely-fought match, Baszler stole the victory after she put her feet up on the top while covering Banks and Natalya also helped her keep balance on the rope.

After the win, Natalya and Baszler once again looked to take out the champions but this time they were ready. Banks and Naomi took out the heel duo with double-team maneuvers to end the segment.

Banks and Naomi will defend their titles next week on SmackDown against Natalya and Baszler.

“We’re going to tear them apart, limb by limb.” – Shayna Baszler issues a warning for Sasha Banks and Naomi

In a backstage interview after the incident, Shayna Baszler gave us a preview of what she intends to do to Sasha Banks and Naomi next week.

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Shayna Baszler (WWE)

“We’re both being victimized as per usual, and I’m not surprised but when you’re this good, everybody wants a piece of you. And after Shayna got the win, fair and square we were targeted yet again,” said Natalya.

The Queen of Spades added that it does not matter how the champions took them out after the match. The most important thing is that she got the win. She said that she along with Natalya were going to tear them apart, limb by limb next week.

“What happened after the match doesn’t matter, what matters is that we have a win and showed that we can be the tag team champions. And not only did we show we can beat them, but we also showed exactly what our strategy is going into a title match next week. We’re going to tear them apart, limb by limb.”

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