Randy Orton reacts to Matt Riddle using RKO in his singles match on RAW

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Matt Riddle used the RKO in his singles match on RAW and revealed if he had permission from Randy Orton to use it

Randy Keith Orton has used the RKO to devastating effect all his life. It has become one of the most iconic finishers in the history of pro wrestling.

So, when someone else copies that move, it is bound to leave a lot of eyebrows raised. That is exactly what happened on this week’s WWE RAW.

Matt Riddle and Orton have formed ‘RKBro’ to take the Red brand’s tag team division by storm. But ‘The Super King of Bros’ was all by himself on the 24th May episode of RAW.

He took on Xavier Woods in a singles match and had an opportunity to showcase his in-ring prowess. While the match itself was nothing special, one moment caught a lot of fans off-guard.

Riddle hit the RKO to win the match and even did Orton’s victory pose as a tribute to ‘The Viper’.

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Speaking on RAW talk later that night, Riddle revealed that win was his revenge for New Day member, Kofi Kingston, beating the ‘Legend Killer’ last week.

Matt Riddle executed the RKO in order avenge Randy Orton’s defeat to Kofi Kingston. (WWE)

He also revealed that he did not take Orton’s permission before executing the iconic move.

“No, I didn’t [take permission for the RKO]. If I made the move look bad, he would have been pissed. But I made the move look sweet and got the win over a great superstar. That was the first time I ever hit an RKO and it was one of the greatest feelings of my life. It was exhilarating. If you asked me 10 years ago if I could see myself hitting an RKO on RAW, I would have said ‘no way, bro’.”

Orton then took to Twitter to say that Riddle’s execution was pretty good but also asked his tag team partner to not steal his moves.

It seems like the two are getting along pretty well with Riddle being the class clown while Orton keeps his place on the fence separating heel from a face.

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Aniket Rai

An ordinary football fan, doing what he loves.

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