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Steve Austin is all fit and fine ahead of WrestleMania 38

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WWE Hall of Famer Stone Cold Steve Austin is getting in really good shape ahead of WrestleMania 38 clash with KO

Stone Cold Steve Austin is looking to return to the ring in some great form as he is said to be in terrific shape ahead of WrestleMania 38. We all know about his contribution to the WWE during the Attitude Era and how fans want to see him perform in the squared circle.

Stone Cold Steve Austin to return after a long time

A match is never really on the cards, but a KO Show segment will happen, which can turn into some array of Stunners with Stone Cold in the ring because Austin has answered Kevin Owens and made a statement that he is coming to whoop some a**.

While speaking on the Sunday Night’s Main Event podcast, Dave Meltzer stated that a mutual friend of himself and Austin has recently seen The Rattle Snake at a training session and have said that Austin is in fantastic shape.

Steve Austin to take his shirt off at WrestleMania 38?

Dave Meltzer has said that Stone Cold Steve Austin is expected to take his shirt off, and there is gonna be a fight between Kevin Owens and him; there’s gonna be a brawl without a doubt. It might also last for seven minutes or so.

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This was what Meltzer had to say about Stone Cold,

“He’s training very hard, so it’s gonna be more than that. Will he do a 20-minute match? No, I don’t think so. Will he go 7 minutes or something and have a brawl all over? I kind of expect that, yeah.” (H/t Ringside News)

Steve Austin and Kevin Owens segment are expected to be one of the main events of WrestleMania 38 Night 1. It will be interesting to see whether this will be Stone Cold’s last match, but one thing is for sure there will be a lot of entertainment with Austin in the ring.

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Tags: Kevin Owens