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Vince McMahon had a brutal response regarding what Mustafa Ali was missing

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WWE Chairman had some ruthless responses regarding Mustafa Ali 

WWE star Mustafa Ali was the leader of a stable known as “Retribution,” which appeared just a year ago on October 5, 2020, in WWE. Retribution appeared for the first time in August 2020, which turned Ali into a heel for the first time in his career. 

Mustafa Ali could lead Retribution into the light (WWE)

While speaking to Alistair McGeorge of Metro (h/t Fightful), Mustafa poked about his turning heel and what WWE Chairmen Vince McMahon told him when asked about what he was doing wrong. 

He stated that he was actually struggling to maintain a television presence. 

Ali mentioned that sitting at home for seven months and then being stuck at Main Event only was kind of a heartbreaker for him. He went up to Vince to ask about what was wrong, to which he got the answer that he was too clean and Ali didn’t have it in him.

“When you pitch a million and one ideas as far as stories, characters, promos, this and that – and you always get told that you’re good, but then nothing happens – you start pointing the finger at everybody except for you. After sitting at home for seven months and then finally coming back to Monday Night Raw, only to pick up a few victories and then to go back to not being on Monday Night Raw and now being stuck on Main Event, you’re kinda scratching your head. Like, what have I gotta do? And then you realize, you’ve gotta go ask the hard questions. I went up to Vince McMahon himself and said, ‘What am I missing?’ [He said], ‘Too polished, too clean, too nice, I don’t now if you have it in you!'”

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Ali continued his conversation in the interview and mentioned that his transformation to heel started on Main Event after the chat with McMahon. He started presenting himself more to the chairman differently. He also noted that McMahon knew in advance that Ali would be the leader of Retribution.

WWE chairman Vince McMahon

“Once he was satisfied with those [matches], I stared cutting promos for him. I would go into his office, I would cut a promo on him, this and that,”

Mustafa will be facing off against Mansoor at Crown Jewel PPV tonight. He is also going to donate all of his earrings from his match to charity.

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