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“I had actual control over it” : WCW Legend reveals how he once saved Hulk Hogan’s finances during his divorce

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Hulk Hogan is one of the most prolific names in the pro wrestling industry. And over the years, he has registered his name as a true entertainer as well. Apart from being a pro wrestler, he has also acted in movies and starred in reality shows.

While, an entertainer, Hogan is also the father of two children, and is currently rumored to be dating a woman named Sky. However, prior to his, Hogan was initially married to Linda Hogan, and then to Jennifer McDaniel.

Though, he underwent divorce from both of them. While his divorce from McDaniel was a mutual one, he had an ugly one with his first wife, Linda Hogan.  Hulk Hogan aka Terry Bollea however, had to take several strong steps to protect his assets during his first divorce.

He had a tense relationship with his first wife, but got divorced from her in 2009. WCW Legend and a close friend of Hogan, Eric Bischoff recently revealed in a podcast, how he helped him during that time, and protected his assets prior to his divorce.

Bischoff claimed that they had to create an LLC, where Hogan was the majority owner. But Bischoff controlled it. He spoke about how all of his assets were transferred to that corporation and were protected there.

Eric Bischoff explained in detail how he protected Hulk Hogan’s assets

Hulk Hogan and Bischoff have been close friends for a long period, and both have been with each other during their time of needs. During Hogan’s divorce, it was the 67-year-old who came in help of Hogan.

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He said, ” part of that was creating an LLC which is a legal organism, like a corporation of sorts. Where, those assets will go into, and while Terry had the majority of shares and stock in that, I had actual control over it. And, a lot of that had more to do with his trademarks as much as it had to do with property and money.”

The 67-year-old further stated that it was created as a temporary situation to protect all of Terry Bollea’s (Hulk Hogan) assets prior to his divorce. Bischoff stayed a true friend, and supported Hulk Hogan throughout, in his time of need.

Despite having majority control, Eric Bischoff never misused his power over Hulk Hogan’s assets

When the LLC was created, Hogan owned the majority stock there, but Bischoff had the majority control power over it. However, despite having such control and power over Hogan’s such highly valued assets, Bischoff never misused his power.

He even claimed in the aforementioned podcast that, if he wanted he could misuse it and become a criminal. But he refrained from doing such acts, and stayed a true friend. Bischoff claimed, “the element of trust was at the nucleus of that. Terry needed to have somebody that he could trust and rely upon to help him facilitate some of the things he needed to do.”

The friends redefined the term friendship with their act, and both Hogan and Bischoff share a close friendship even now.

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Shounak Chakrabarti

A sports fanatic, reader and part-time gamer.

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