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WWE NXT 2.0 Match Card and Results

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Here is everything that happened on Tuesday’s WWE NXT 2.0 episode, including Match Card, Predictions and Results

This week’s WWE NXT 2.0 episode saw Bron Breakker celebrate his win, making him the new champion. There were some other fantastic matches. Let us find out more.

WWE NXT 2.0 Match Card and Results

1.Santos Escobar vs Xyon Quinn

In the first match of the night, Santos Escobar took on Xyon Quinn. Escobar had the early advantage and went after the injured knee of Xyon in the first minutes of the match.

However, Legado interfered in the match, causing Quinn to be dumped outside the ring. Additionally, Lopez distracted Escobar while setting up for the Phantom Driver at the ringside, which caused Quinn to slip away.

Lopez delivered a low blow to Quinn as Escobar landed the Phantom Driver and picked up the win.

Result: Santos Escobar defeated Xyon Quinn

2. Cameron Grimes vs Damon Kemp

Cameron Grimes was up against Gable Steveson’s brother Damon Kemp. The match started with some significant knee strikes from Grimes. The rookie returned for a while, but it was just a matter of time as Grimes gave the top rope crossbody and delivered the Cave In to pick up the win over Kemp.

Result: Cameron Grimes defeated Damon Kemp.

3. Joe Gacy & Harland vs Malik Blade & Edris Enofe

In a tag team action, Joe Gacy and Harland took on Malik Blade & Edris Enofe. Gacy had the early advantage over Enofe and hit a big Uranage before Enofe tried to roll him up for the win. 

Edris and Blade took Gacy away in the ring before Joe came out of nowhere from the corner and tagged in Harland. He took Enofe and dumped him outside. 

Harland was in control of the match as he unloaded on Blade in the corner, which resulted in the referee calling the game because he didn’t let up. Blade and Enofe got the victory via DQ.

Result: Malik Blade & Edris Enofe defeated Joe Gacy & Harland via DQ.

4. Pete Dune vs Tony D’Angelo – Crowbar on a Pole match

Tony D’Angelo had the upper hand in an exciting Crowbar on a Pole match as Dunne was taken down early in the game but somehow came back to lock in a submission. 

However, Dunne got a stomp in before going for the crowbar in the corner. After a while, Pete again managed to reach for the crowbar, but Tony dragged him down to hit the Falcon Arrow.

After the commercial, D’Angelo got the crowbar, and Dunne snatched it from him and went for a shot, but Tony somehow ducked it. Then, D’Angelo tried to smash Dunne’s hand on the announce desk. 

Tony got a near fall before Dunne came back with some big moves and locked in a crossface with the crowbar, but a chair came into the play, which saw Tony Sent Dunne into the chair in the corner and hit a shot with the crowbar to pick up the win.

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Result: Tony D’Angelo defeated Pete Dunne

5. Indi Hartwell, Persia Pirotta & Wendy Choo vs. Amari Miller, Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter

6 women tag team action between Indi Hartwell, Persia Pirotta & Wendy Coo, who was on her debut take on Amari Miller, Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter. Hartwell and Miller kicked off the match. The latter sent Indi outside and hit dives with Kacy and Kayden on Indi and her team.

Choo was tagged in and got a big cartwheel splash and a suplex on Miller, which almost got her a near fall. But, instead, Miller took a combined finisher from Indi and Pirotta and got the pin.

Result: Indi Hartwell, Persia Pirotta & Wendy Choo defeated Amari Miller, Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter

6. Solo Sikoa vs Boa

Solo Sikoa got an early takedown and unloaded on Boa before the latter got out of the ring. Boa came back with a big suplex to get a near fall. 

Boa locked the hold, but Sikoa broke out and hit a big Senton. Sikoa sent Boa into the steel steps while the referee counted both men out.

Brawling didn’t stop there as it headed backstage. Boa suddenly showed up with face paint, and we saw flames shoot in Sikoa’s face ending the brawl. 

Result: DNF (via double count-out)

7. AJ Styles vs Grayson Waller

The night’s main event saw former WWE Champion AJ Styles taking on Grayson Waller. The feud which has been going on for a long time now – Waller even cost Styles his match this week on Raw with interference. 

A lot was at stake for Styles. Waller avoided some of the early offences from ‘The Phenomenal’. Styles then went for Waller’s legs and got a knee drop before smashing his head on turnbuckles.

Styles came back with a springboard dive, but Waller caught him on the outside as he got in control. However, Styles got some significant strikes before Waller got an elbow drop for a near fall.

AJ locked in the Calf Crusher, but Waller survived somehow as he got to the ropes. He gave a stunner for a near fall, but Styles countered it with the Pele Kick and a brainbuster off a counter. In the end, The Phenomenal One got the win with the Phenomenal Forearm.

AJ Styles got his win over Grayson Waller at WWE NXT 2.0 (Twitter)

After the match, AJ called out LA Knight, which shocked Waller as he attacked Waller and tossed him over the announcer’s desk.

Result: AJ Styles defeated Grayson Waller 

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