WWE NXT Results, winners, and grades, 14 June 2022: The Dyad make their in-ring debut

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WWE NXT Results, winners, and grades: Fabian Aichner is now repackaged as Giovanni Vinci and he will be making his presence felt on this week’s episode of NXT 2.0. Toxic Attraction must be looking forward to teaching the trio of Indi Hartwell, Cora Jade, and Roxanne Perez a lesson after being taken out last week. The Creed Brothers will be defending the NXT Tag Team Championship against Edris Enofe and Malik Blade.

Let’s start with the NXT results for 14 June:

Joe Gacy with The Dyad

The Creed Brothers (c) versus Edris Enofe and Malik Blade – NXT Tag Team Championship

Brutus Creed and Malik Blade got us underway. Brutus bulldozed over Blade and tagged in Julius. Blade delivered a few armdrags and tagged in Edris Enofe. Enofe and Blade used a double-team maneuver to stun Julius. The champions weathered the initial storm and began to dominate Blade and Enofe, displaying their brute power. Brutus and Julius made quick tage to wear down Blade.

Enofe managed to make the tag to Blade after hitting Brutus with a brutal knee strike. Blade dropped Brutus and tagged in Enofe who delivered an Elbow Drop off the top rope. Brutus managed to tag in Julius as he delivered a couple of belly-to-belly suplexes to the Tao challengers. Blade delivered a dropkick to Julius and went up on the top rope looking for a crossbody. However, Julius caught him. In the end, Brutus delivered a vicious clothesline to get the victory. After the match, The Creed Brothers congratulated Blade and Enofe for their performance.

Winners – The Creed Brothers

Grade – B

Indi Hartwell, Cora Jade, and Roxanne Perez were backstage in the locker room. Jade and Perez were chatting while Hartwell stepped in. She said that they should take advice from the “wily old veteran”. Jade, however, noted that Hartwell is 25 and not 45. Perez told Hartwell that all three of them have one thing in common and that is the fact that they all despise Toxic Attraction. The three women were all pumped up for their match against Toxic Attraction later on.

We saw a vignette of Apollo Crews at a restaurant. He was writing about his journey in WWE when an irritated man was talking rudely with a staff member for waiting too long to receive his order. Crews went up to the man and bashed him.

Fallon Henly versus Tiffany Stratton

Fallon Henly began the match on a strong note. However, Tiffany Stratton turned the tide soon enough. Henly delivered a few strong rights and backed it up by planting Stratton. Stratton hit a Samoan drop and was looking to take advantage. But we saw Wendy Choo making her way to the ring, distracting Stratton by throwing confetti on her. Henly took advantage and secured the victory.

Winner – Fallon Henly

Grade – C

Bron Breakker met Cameron Grimes backstage. He said that he knows how it feels to lose the championship. Breakker tried to comfort Grimes by saying that he will be champion once again. Grimes replied saying that he doesn’t want sympathy and left abruptly. Duke Hudson entered the scene. He bragged about his victory via disqualification against Breakker. The NXT Champion decided to give Hudson a match for his title later on in the night.

Xyon Quinn versus Wes Lee

Xyon Quinn used his power game to dominate the early goings of the match. Lee was looking stunned in front of Quinn’s strength.

In the end, the high-flying Lee managed to turn the tide and pick up the victory after delivering a tornillo off the top rope.

Winner – Wes Lee

Grade – C

We got a Nathan Frazer vignette where he talked about his childhood diving at the seashore and playing soccer.

The Dyad versus Dante Chen and Javier Bernal

The Dyad looked impressive as the match began but Dante Chen and Javier Bernal also had their moments. However, on expected lines, the followers of Joe Gacy picked up the win with a double-team move. After the match, Gacy entered the ring and hyped up The Dyad, talking about how they became inferior thanks to the negativity from the fans.

Winner – The Dyad

Grade – C

Sanga and Xyon Quinn had a confrontation backstage. After Quinn left, Sanga said that he has just found his next opponent.

Tony D’Angelo, Legado del Fantasma, and the family come out to the ring

Tony D’Angelo made their way to the ring with his family and Legado del Fantasma. The Don of NXT spoke about the time when he met Stacks and Two Dimes for the first time. D’Angelo said they were now promoted as associates.

Tony D’Angelo asked Escobar’s associates to not follow the 38-year-old second-generation luchador. D’Angelo told Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde to take instructions from him. D’Angelo shook hands with Mendoza, Wilde, and Escobar.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams interrupted Tony. The leader of the family did not take the interruption from Hayes and Williams too well. D’Angelo said that Hayes and his NXT North American Championship were his business now. D’Angelo challenged Hayes for the NXT North American Championship next week. Two Dimes wanted to soften Hayes tonight. Hayes accepted the challenge.

Toxic Attraction cut a promo from inside the Toxic Lounge. They slammed their opponents from later on in the night. Mandy Rose said that they will show why the Toxic Attraction is the most dominant group in all of NXT.

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Bron Breakker (c) versus Duke Hudson – NXT Championship match

Duke Hudson attacked Bron Breakker from behind even before the match got started. After the referee rang the bell, it was all Breakker. The powerful champion delivered a belly-to-belly suplex followed by a spear. Breakker managed to win the match convincingly after executing a military press power slam.

After the match, Cameron Grimes made his way to the ring. Grimes said that he respects Breakker. However, he feels that Breakker achieved all of his success because of being Rick Steiner’s son.

Grimes challenged Bron Breakker to an NXT Championship match at the Great American Bash. Breakker accepted as the two men shook hands in the middle of the ring to make it official.

Winner – Bron Breakker

Grade – D

Ivy Nile met Tatum Paxley backstage. Nile encouraged Paxley for her performances of late. After Paxley left, Davon Kemp and Roderick Strong came up to Nile. The leader of Diamond Mine was not happy to see Nile talking to Paxley. He told Nile that there are no excuses under any circumstances for the faction.

The Creed Brothers appeared. Strong was not impressed with the handshake from the NXT Tag Team Champions after their match against Enofe and Blade. The Creed Brothers said that they have arranged a match for Strong and Kemp for next week. Strong said his knee was not fine but Nile reminded him that there are no excuses in Diamond Mine. Strong and Kemp left the scene as Nile and the brothers had a nice laugh.

Robert Stone, Sofia Cromwell, and Von Wagner were interviewed backstage. Stone called Brooks Jensen a liar. Sofia said that next week Von Wagner will display his dominance in a one-on-one match.

Giovanni Vinci versus Guru Raaj

The first match for Fabian Aichner after a long time. First time in the ring after being repackaged to Giovanni Vinci. As the match got underway, it was all Vinci.

Vinci delivered a thunderous clothesline and won the match with a sit-down powerbomb.

Winner – Giovanni Vinci

Grade – D

Edris Enofe and Malik Blade were about to hit the club when Grimes came up to them. The former NXT North American Champion called them statues and asked them not to waste their talent as Grimes does not waste his.

Troy Donovan and Channing Lorenzo versus Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams

Donovan and Lorenzo were in total control during the initial stages of the match. Williams and Hayes struggled to muster any offense as D’Angelo was delightedly watching from ringside. However, Hayes and Williams managed to turn things around. Joaquin Wilde went up on the ring apron and distracted the referee. Raul Mendoza delivered a crossbody inadvertently on Lorenzo and Hayes took advantage to get the victory with a guillotine leg drop. Escobar could not hold back his laughter after the result.

Winner – Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams

Grade – B

Tony D’Angelo told Legado del Fantasma to step up as they failed to help Donovan and Lorenzo this week. D’Angelo said that they have a chance to right their wrong next week when he takes on Hayes for the NXT North American Championship.

Toxic Attraction versus Indi Hartwell, Roxanne Perez, and Cora Jade

Cora Jade and Mandy Rose began the match. Rose was quick to make a tag to Jacy Jayne. Jade and Jayne went back and forth before Hartwell and Rose got the tags. Hartwell was on song as the NXT Women’s Champion rolled out of the ring and regrouped with her stablemates. Toxic Attraction entered the ring together but got laid out by their opponents as we went into a commercial break.

After the break, Perez and Jayne were going after one another in the ring. Rose and Jade got the tags and the latter dominated the former Fire and Desire member. Dolin and Jayne got involved from the ring apron and distracted Jade. This allowed Rose to drop Jade with a Spinebuster. Jayne got the tag in and delivered a beautiful over-the-head suplex. The heel faction did well to isolate Jade until she managed to tag in Perez. The first-ever NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament winner managed to clean house all by herself. Hartwell was also firing on all cylinders as she took out Rose. In the end, Jade delivered a senton off the top rope and Perez picked up the pinfall victory for her team after executing a lateral press on Gigi Dolin.

Winners – Indi Hartwell, Roxanne Perez, and Cora Jade

Grade – B+

Overall show grade – C

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