WWE NXT Results, winners, and grades, 13 Sept 2022: Lash Legend takes on Fallon Henley

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WWE NXT Results, winners, and grades: The WWE Universe will decide the next challenger for Carmelo Hayes’ NXT North American Championship. Kiana James and Arianna Grace team up to face the exciting team of Nikkita Lyons and Zoey Stark.

The Creed Brothers vs Pretty Deadly (c) – NXT Tag Team Championship

Both teams got into a brawl. Prince almost climbed out but Julius pulled him back and tripped him into a Hot Shot. Brutus hit a powerbomb on Elton, sending the heel into the cage.

Julius hit a moonsault Russian Legsweep off the ropes on Prince. After returning from a commercial break, Brutus hit a double Brutus Bomb Doomsday Device.

Damon Kemp climbed the cage wall. Julius met and kicked the cage which caused Kemp to fall off. However, he handcuffed Creed to the cage before falling off. Brutus hit a belly-to-belly suplex to take out Kit.

Pretty Deadly sent Brutus into the cage wall a few times. In the end, Pretty Deadly got the win after executing the Split Milk finisher on Brutus Creed.

Winners – Pretty Deadly

Grade – A

Fallon Henley vs Lash Legend

Lash Legend got off the blocks quickly and attacked Henley. The heel hit a big boot to send Henley outside the ring. Legend went outside the ring and sent her opponent into the ring post. Henley hit a bulldog to rattle Legend. She followed it up with a knee strike to finish the match early.

Winner – Fallon Henley

Grade – C

Yulisa Leon came towards Valentina Feroz and Sanga. She informed them that her knee will take 9 months to recover fully. Sanga told Feroz that the negative must be turned into a positive by her. Von Wagner and Robert Stone entered the scene. Sanga and Wagner got into a stare-down after getting into a war of words. Brooks Jensen told Mandy Rose that her Instagram pictures were superb. Actually, it was her title that looked superb. Rose told Jensen to keep dreaming. Henley told Rose to watch how she speaks to Jensen.

Toxic Attraction comes out to the ring

Toxic Attraction came out to the ring and spoke about how they have dominated WWE’s developmental brand over the past year. Rose said that Bron Breakker and Carmelo Hayes are great champions but they have not held their titles for as long as she has been holding hers. Alba Fyre came out to the ring.

She said she is from Scotland and people from Scotland don’t keep on bragging about their achievements just because they love their voice.

Fyre took out Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin and dropped Rose face-first. Fyre went up to the top rope but before she could launch herself, Jayne and Dolin pulled Rose out of the ring.

Cora Jade cut a promo saying how she was previously busy trying to impress the crowd. However, now she is a different woman. She also explained why her contemporaries are not as good as her.

Wendy Choo was interviewed backstage. Lash Legend interrupted her. Choo said that the last time a bimbo tried to get in her way, she turned the lights out on her.

Quincy Elliot vs Sean Gallagher

Quincy Elliot backed Gallagher into the corner. Gallagher tried to get a wristlock in but Elliot danced his way out of it. The Super Diva blew a kiss.

In the end, Elliot hit a corkscrew uppercut and climbed up the ropes to deliver a Banzai Drop. The big move connected and Elliot got his career off to a winning start.

Winner – Quincy Elliot

Grade – D

Wes Lee was warming up in the locker room when Carmelo Hayes blindsided him and along with Trick Williams, assaulted the youngster.

Tony D’Angelo and Channing Lorenzo vs Cameron Grimes

Channing Lorenzo and Tony D’Angelo weathered the initial storm from Grimes and began dominating the former NXT North American Champion. Joe Gacy came out and got up on the apron. He inserted himself in the match as Grimes’ partner.

Gacy tagged himself into the match and took out Lorenzo and D’Angelo. Grimes was furious with Gacy for getting into the match. However, the little argument didn’t let The Family get back into the match. Gacy won the match for his team.

After the match, Gacy hugged Grimes. However, Grimes told Gacy that he doesn’t need him. The Dyad attacked Grimes from behind and hit a double-team move. Gacy wiped out Grimes with a thunderous clothesline.

Winner – Joe Gacy and Cameron Grimes

Grade – B

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JD McDonagh cut a promo, talking about the importance of personal grooming while getting a shave.

Bron Breakker Interview

After returning from a commercial break, we got a sit-down interview with Bron Breakker.

Breakker said he was scared shitless during his first match but as soon as he got out in front of the audience it felt right. He was surprised to lose his first title match but that was the best thing that could have happened to him because he learned how to deal with failure.

Bron was asked how he felt when he inducted The Steiner Brothers into the Hall of Fame. He said it was a special feeling. He also said how disappointed he was to lose to Dolph Ziggler at NXT Stand & Deliver. Breakker said that he told himself that he won’t be leaving Texas without the title. He eventually won back the NXT title on the RAW after WrestleMania.

Bron unified the NXT Championship and the NXT UK Championship at Worlds Collide. He was asked if he felt one year ago that he would be sitting here as a history-maker. Bron said that he doesn’t like to live in the past or look too far ahead. He likes to live in the present.

Kiana James and Arianna Grace vs Zoey Stark and Nikkita Lyons

Nikkita Lyons wore down Arianna Grace and tagged Zoey Stark. Grace managed to make the tag to James, who wasn’t too keen to get into the ring. Eventually, she entered and Stark unleashed an assault on her. However, James managed to take control of the match soon. She applied a headlock and followed it with a backbreaker for a nearfall. James hit a cheap shot to drop Lyons outside the ring.

James tagged in Grace. Zoey Stark hit an elbow followed by a few lethal kicks. Grace dropped Stark with a kick of her own. Lyons got the tag in and hit the roundhouse kick followed by a split-legged cover to get the pinfall victory.

Winners – Zoey Stark and Nikkita Lyons

Grade – B

Malik Blade and Edris Enofe were explaining why they would not be voting for Joe Gacy, especially after what he did to Grimes earlier in the show. The Dyad entered the scene and said that Grimes got what he deserved. They attacked Enofe and Blade and the babyface duo fought back. The security team came out and tried to stop the brawl.

Javier Bernal vs Hank Walker

Bernal applied a headlock to wear down Walker. The heel slapped Walker which fired the babyface. Bernal took out Walker’s leg and hit him with a few kicks.

Bernal applied a sleeper hold and followed it up with a knee to the midsection. Waker was all pumped up as he took off his shirt and took out his nemesis with a crossbody for the three count.

Winner – Hank Walker

Grade – C

Bron Breakker is voted as the Biggest Superstar of the Year.

Carmelo Hayes (c) vs Solo Sikoa – NXT North American Championship

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams came out to the ring and bragged about their achievements. Solo Sikoa surprised them as he came out to the ring to take out the NXT North American champion.

As the match began, Sikoa sent Hayes outside the ring and the heel landed on Trick Williams as we went into a commercial break.

Upon returning, Sikoa was in total control of the match. However, Williams tripped Sikoa behind the referee’s back and this allowed Hayes to take advantage. Hayes focused his attack on Sikoa’s knee. He locked in the half Boston crab and used Sikoa’s brace for extra leverage. Sikoa managed to reach the bottom rope to break the hold.

Sikoa hit a Superkick and followed it up with a Samoan Drop. The Street Champion attempted another Samoan Drop but Williams saved his friend. That was momentary though as Sikoa eventually hit the Samoan Drop.

In the end, Sikoa hit a Superkick to drop Williams. Sikoa dropped Hayes with the Uranage. He went up to the top rope and hit the Frog Splash to get the win and become the new NXT North American Champion.

Winner – Solo Sikoa

Grade – A

Overall show grade – B+

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