WWE NXT results, winners, and grades, 14 Mar 2023: NXT Tag Team Championship on the line

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WWE NXT Results, winners, and grades: Gallus defends the NXT Tag Team Championship against Pretty Deadly. Apollo Crews will take on former friend Dabba Kato.

And we start with NXT results, winners, and grades.

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The show started with a recap of last week’s main event where an unconscious Roxanne Perez fell down in the middle of the ring after a grueling match with Meiko Satomura and was stretchered off into an ambulance.

Johnny Gargano comes out to the ring

Johnny Gargano made his way to the ring. He asked the WWE Universe to watch his back as the last time he was in the ring, Grayson Waller attacked him from behind. Gargano said that last time in NXT he said he was going to teach his son how to become the best man you could be. And to be the best man you got to finish what you start. The last time he was in NXT, his story ended on a cliffhanger.

So, he is back to finish his story. Last time he was lying on the announce table and Waller was above him. He kind of respects Waller. He did him a favor as he gave him time to see what he could do with that moment. Last time anyone took him out was Tommaso Ciampa and he became one of the greatest NXT champions of all time. However, Waller failed in the two chances he had. Waller blamed everyone but himself. He disrespected the fans, the locker room, and most importantly, NXT. No matter which brand Gargano is on, NXT is his home. Gargano says that you don’t screw with one’s home. Vic Joseph gets up and shows Gargano that Waller is streaming from his home. Gargano rushes to cut him off.

We see Wes Lee getting out of his car and Axiom rolls up, saying he’s not leaving Lee’s side until the open challenge begins. Axiom is willing to do whatever Lee wants to do in the time remaining. So the champion wants to have some food and off they go.

Back from commercial, we get footage of Johnny Gargano getting in his car and driving home to stop Waller in his evil endeavors.

Gallus (c) vs Pretty Deadly – NXT Tag Team Championship Match

Coffey and Prince get us underway. Headlock from Coffey. Prince tries to break free but gets stopped with a shoulder tackle. Pretty Deadly with the tag. Inside cradle for a nearfall. Wolfgang throws Wilson like a rag doll. Gallus team up to clear the ring as we go into another commercial break. Prince with a cheap shot to Coffey followed by a side slam from Wilson. Pretty Deadly do well to isolate Coffey. The babyface finally managed to make a tag after taking a lot of beat down. Wolfgang single-handedly changes the complexion of the game. Pretty Deadly teamed up to try and take out Wolfgang. They managed to do so as they tossed Wolfgang over the announce table. Coffey got hit with a championship belt but he managed to kick out. In the end, Gallus won thanks to a devastating double-team move.

Winners – Gallus

Grade – B

Josh Briggs wearing a ghillie suit alongside Fallon Henley enter Kiana James’ office. They find a diary where they see that James had planned to make Jensen ask Henley to form a tag team with her. They also find a letter written by a guy named Sebastian who thanked Kiana for a date they went on. Henley takes a picture of it and they leave the place.

They also found a contract for a women’s championship qualifying match that is to be held on the show.

Shawn Michaels informs everyone that there will be a series of qualifying matches to determine a new NXT Women’s champion as Perez’s return might take some time.

Dr. Warren Becker gives us updates on Roxanne Perez’s condition, saying that all her tests have come back good but they have not been able to find what was the issue with her. They will need to take further tests to get a better idea. So he won’t be able to tell her return date right now.

Sol Ruca vs Zoey Stark – NXT Women’s Championship Qualifying Match

Back body drop from Ruca as Stark takes a timeout outside the ring. Ruca slams Stark’s head into the turnbuckle. Stark struggled to the outside and took yet another breather. The heel finally got into the match as she hit a Superkick to rattle Ruca. Stark began to wear down Ruca. After trading a few punches, Ruca hit an enzuigiri followed by a power slam for a nearfall. Ruca wipes out Stark outside the floor with a moonsault. The former tries to hit her with the springboard but nothing comes from it. In fact, Stark catches her opponent and nails the overrotated facebreaker.

Winner – Zoey Stark

Grade – B

Tatum Paxley & Ivy Nile vs Isla Dawn & Alba Fyre vs Katana Chance & Kayden Carter – No. 1 contender’s match for the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship

Tatum Paxley, Isla Dawn, and Katana Chance got us started. Chance showed great athleticism to get off to a great start. Dawn and Fyre had enough of the rules as they began to take out the other two teams. Big body slam from Paxley on Chance. She fell on Fyre. Ivy Bile gets in the ring. She takes care of Chance and Fyre. Nile lifts Chance but Fyre hits her with a Superkick.

Outside the ring, Fyre tries to distract Kayden Carter but gets a kick for her efforts. Nile tries to make the tag to Paxley but the latter refuses to tag in. She leaves while yelling, “We were never a team.” Paxley attacked Nile outside the ring and sent her into the ring so that Fyre and Nile could finish the business. Fyre hits a diving splash to pick up the win.

Winner – Isla Dawn & Alba Fyre

Grade – B

Tony D’Angelo and Channing Lorenzo offer to take out Carmelo Hayes. However, Bron tells them that he has control of the situation. Tony tells Lorenzo that it is time they chase the NXT Tag Team titles.

Ilja Dragunov comes out to the ring and tells that it is a life-changing experience for him and his family that he is working in NXT. However, JD McDonagh has been a problem and it is time he addresses the problem.

McDonagh enters. He says that it is Dragunov who keeps pulling them together. Ilja says that pain makes him feel better while McDonagh says that he never gets tired of imagining new ideas to hurt him. They challenge each other to a match next week. A brawl breaks out. Cactus clothesline from Dragunov. McDonagh takes the upper hand on the floor and they go off into the crowd while still brawling.

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Pretty Deadly are interviewed backstage. They decide to host Stand & Deliver.

Tyler Bate teaches Thea Hail some yoga lessons while Duke Hudson isn’t amused in the background. Hudson tells Chase that wins and losses matter to him. Chase tells him that Chase U is more than buildings and books and desks. Chase explains to Hudson how Chase U has done more for him than anything else in his entire life. A masked Ava Raine comes by and puts her mask on a megaphone before leaving. Hudson wears a confused look.

We get footage of Grayson Waller outside Johnny Gargano’s house. The Australian star tells him he’s gonna do him a favor and make sure the door’s locked.

Once again we see a brawl prior to the open challenge for the NXT North American Championship. Axiom came to the ring to face Lee but Scrypts took him out. JD McDonagh blindsided Lee. This infuriated the champ as he joined the brawl.

Dragon Lee gave a backstage interview where he said that the WWE Universe will see a lot from him. He will show the world he is special.

We see a video package of Dabba Kato and Apollo Crews prior to their match up next.

Jacy Jayne was interviewed backstage. She had her right arm in a sling. Jacy Jayne said that one minute into the match, Dolin separated her shoulder because she knew she wouldn’t beat her at 100% and Jayne went on to promise to break Gigi’s heart and her face once again when she returns.

Apollo Crews vs Dabba Kato

Crews made his entrance. Before Dabba Kato could enter the ring, Crews jumped off from the top rope and struck the first blow. A slugfest began outside the ring. Crews pushed Kato into the ring post. Kato came back with a thunderous chop. After the match got underway, Crews pushed Kato outside the ring. Crews evaded an onrushing Kato and the heel hit the steel steps shoulder-first. Kato stomped Crews to the mat as we went into a break. After the break, Kato was in control of the match.

Huge leg drop from Kato to the back of Crews. The babyface came back with a few big boots followed by an Olympic Slam. Frog Splash from the top rope. Kato chokebombs Crews into the steel steps. Crews manages to somehow break the 10 count but Kato doesn’t waste time. He delivers another chokebomb to get the win.

Winner – Dabba Kato

Grade – B

We get NXT anonymous footage where Shawn Michaels tells Lee that his open challenges are causing a lot of chaos. Lee feels he needs to prove himself and at Stand & Deliver, he wants to face 9 other men. Michaels says he can’t do that but he can make a fatal-5 way. Lee will choose the 4 other superstars in that match.

Kiana James and Brooks Jensen are backstage trying to get in contact with Fallon Henley and Josh Briggs. However, that doesn’t work out. Jensen offers to accompany her to her match but James says she wants to go alone.

Gigi Dolin vs Kiana James – NXT Women’s Championship Qualifying Match

Both women went back and forth as the match got underway. Neckbreaker from James for a nearfall. James applies a crossface. Dolin gets to the bottom rope. Big boot to the face of James. Two more for good measure. Huge roundhouse followed by an STO. Dolin hits the Cobra Twist Slam to pick up the win.

Winner – Gigi Dolin

Grade – C

After the match, Dawn and Fyre pulled James outside the ring and assaulted her before Jensen made the save.

Gargano finally arrived home. Waller and Gargano began to brawl outside the house. Waller throws dust into the eyes of Gargano. The heel brings a trash can but before he could use it to assault Gargano, the experienced campaigner took him down. Gargano’s wife opened the door to check on him. The distraction allowed Waller to strike with a low blow. Waller tried approaching Gargano’s door but the latter wouldn’t allow him to do so. Waller assaults Gargano with a rake. Candice LeRae asks Waller to leave and the Aussie star finally lets go but the damage is already done.

Brooks was attending Kiana backstage. Briggs and Henley rolled up. James was upset as Henley wasn’t there when she was attacked by Fyre and Dawn. Henley was shocked as she didn’t even know they have No. 1 contenders. Both women continue arguing as the camera rolls to Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams making their entrance.

NXT Championship contract signing – Bron Breakker & Carmelo Hayes

Pretty Deadly came out to host the contract signing between Carmelo Hayes and Bron Breakker. Hayes said he has all the respect for Breakker and he deserves to be recognized. However, he is coming to take the championship way further than Bron ever could. Bron said Hayes took the North American Championship to another level because he wasn’t ready for the NXT Championship. Pretty Deadly tried to stir the pot but Hayes demanded them to shut up. Hayes wanted Bron to bring his best game to Stand & Deliver because it’s going to be sweeter when all that Bron has got isn’t gonna be enough.

They speak about the other’s achievements. Pretty Deadly interrupted them for the second time. Well, they continue and eventually sign the contract. Both men promise to not give each other an inch. Both men shook hands and were about to leave. Pretty Deadly said they can’t leave without giving people some drama. Breakker and Hayes took their shirts off and put Pretty Deadly through the table.

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Tags: Apollo Crews