WWE NXT Results, winners, and grades, 23rd August 2022: NXT UK Tag Team Championships on the line

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NXT Results, Winners, Grades: Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen defend their NXT UK Tag Team titles against Gallus. Wendy Choo takes on Tiffany Stratton in a Lights Out match. Grayson Waller debuts his talk show with Apollo Crews as his special guest.

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Bron Breakker comes out to the ring

Bron Breakker made his way to the ring and praised JD McDonagh for his performance last week at NXT Heatwave. After the match, NXT UK Champion Tyler Bate made an appearance. He called out Bate to the ring.

Taylor Bate made his way to the ring and congratulated Breakker for his win last week. Bate said that he was proud to bear the flag of NXT UK as the first and last NXT UK Champion.

Prior to NXT Europe, Bate wanted to unify the NXT UK Championship and the NXT Championship. Breakker agreed that there should be only one champion and said that NXT is the place where the best superstars wrestle.

They shake hands and help their respective titles above their shoulders to end the segment.

Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen (c) vs Gallus – NXT UK Tag Team Championship

Wolfgang pulled Briggs into the corner and unleashed an assault on him. Brooks got the tag and began dominating the match until Lash Legend made her way to the ring.

Legend hit a cheapshot on Fallon Henley on the outside. Pretty Deadly also came out as the champions got distracted. The referee counted to 10 as Gallus picked up the win via countout.

Winners – Gallus

Grade – B

After the match, Diamond Mine came out to the ring and took out Gallus.

Grayson Waller Effect

Grayson Waller introduced his special guest – Apollo Crews. The Australian star asked Crews what happened to his Nigerian accent. Crews did the accent for a bit and said that he is proud of his heritage.

Crews said that the thing is he got too caught up in his past and that’s part of why he’s here in NXT. Waller takes a question from Instagram, asking him what the visions are about, and Crews says he’s a huge visual thinker and there’s no greater force than knowing yourself.

Waller asked Crews how it feels to know that he is going to get run out of NXT. Crews asked Waller how it feels to be a low-budget version of The Miz.

Waller continued riling up Crews and finally, it led to the former Intercontinental Champion dropping the heel. Crews said that it’s the Apollo Crews effect.

Cameron Grimes vs Javier Bernal

Grimes took control of the match from the beginning. Bernal tried to muster some offense but Grimes cut him off with a back body drop.

Bernal delivered a bulldog and went for the cover but Grimes kicked out at 2. Bernal applied a headlock as Joe Gacy and The Dyad looked on. Grimes took out Bernal with a dropkick. He followed up with a superkick. A Cave-In gave Grimes the win.

Winner – Cameron Grimes

Grade – B

Blair Davenport vs Indi Hartwell

Hartwell tried to get a quick victory with a roll-up but Davenport wasn’t going down that easily. Davenport hit a dropkick to send Hartwell outside the ring.

Davenport hit a neckbreaker. Davenport began wearing down Hartwell. The latter finally came back with a spinebuster. In the end, Davenport got the win with a short brainbuster.

Winner – Blair Davenport

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Grade – B

After the match, Davenport hit a knee to Hartwell to make a statement. Davenport took a mic and said that she is the rightful heir to the women’s championship.

Mandy Rose made her way to the stage area. She formally introduced herself and said that Davenport is standing in her ring and in her world. In her world, everyone follows her lead.

Rose explained how she is the most dominant champion and asked her to put some respect on her name. The NXT UK Women’s Champion Meiko Satomura made her way to the ring and said that she is the most dominant champion and not Rose. The NXT Women’s Champion hailed her as a legend but wanted to face her so that she could get the respect she deserved. Satomura accepted the challenge for a title unification match. Davenport said that she is the No. 1 contender so she shouldn’t be forgotten. Satomura announced that it will be a triple-threat match.

We get an In-Dex reunion. They kiss each other in the ring. Lumis carries her backstage. He gives her a note before the police arrest him. Hartwell reads the note as we go into a commercial break.

Legado del Fantasma (Cruz del Toro and Joaquin Wilde) vs The Dyad (Jagger Reid and Rip Fowler)

Del Toro hit a springboard. Jagger hits an enzuigri followed by a dropkick. Dyad dominated the initial proceedings of the match.

Wilde got the hot tag and cleared the ring. He delivered a DDT and tagged del Toro. A crucifix pin for two. The Dyad finally pick up the victory with a devastating double-team maneuver.

Winners – The Dyad

Grade – B

Tyler Bate vs Von Wagner

Bate tried to use his speed against the big man. He delivered a dropkick but Wagner took control of the match with a big boot. Wagner picked up Bate and connected with a knee to the back and followed up with a fallaway slam.

Bate managed to muster some offense as he wiped out Wagner outside the ring. He began wearing down Wagner with a series of punches but the heel hit back with a wicked clothesline. In the end, Bate picked up the win with a corkscrew senton atomico.

Winner – Tyler Bate

Grade – A

Tiffany Stratton vs Wendy Choo – Lights Out match

Choo dumped a trash can on Stratton and put it over her head. Choo hit the can with a tennis racquet that Stratton had brought to the ring.

Stratton hit Choo with a toolbox outside the ring. Back inside, Stratton sent Choo into a trash can set up in the corner. Outside the ring, Stratton sent Choo into the steel steps.

Choo hit Stratton with a pillow. Choo opens the pillow and purs lego out on the mat. Stratton delivered a fallaway slam and followed it up with a powerslam on the lego. Outside the ring, Choo hit back with a slam as Stratton went through her nemesis’ bed. Back in the ring, Choo delivered a Vader Bomb to pick up the win.

Winner – Wendy Choo

Grade – A

Davenport, Rose, and Satomura sign the contract for their title match at Worlds Collide. Tyler Bate and Bron Breakker also sign on the dotted line to make their match official.

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Tags: Mandy Rose